Something Newt

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Summary: Bella saves a newt  during a nightly walk


For the past few days, things have been going alright for Bella. She had been in the happiest mood ever since June had encouraged her to keep being her true self, and Bella was quite grateful.

Bella would smile every time she remembered June Chen. June was the first fan she had met that wasn't a friend Bella knew of and she was quite extraordinary.

Bella hardly knew June, but June knew her pretty well. Bella was one of the most kindest demons in the world, a pretty rare case. But June was extraordinary, not because she was a ghost hunter, but because she really loved Bella to the point that she had given the demon a large amount of kindness, said that she was a beautiful elegant angel, and that what Stanford, Stanley, and others thought didn't matter, and the fact that June acknowledged her actions by saying that she had done enough through her heroic deeds and putting others before herself was enough to make Bella realize that she was right.

Ever since then, Bella had been spending a lot of time with June whenever she had cut back time from doing plans, protecting innocents, and doing patrols to keep an extra eye out for her dad.

When Bella had stopped trying to avoid her true self and went on to embrace it, it made everyone happy, which made the demon even more happier now she stopped being so oblivious to how much the team really loved her.

In fact, June's encouragement had allowed Bella to not be so depressed when it came to encounters with Dipper and Mabel's grunkles.  Whenever the three had crossed paths, Bella would look at them straight in the eyes, sporting a serious expression that made it extremely clear that she didn't care what they were going to say to her.

In fact, Bella fondly remembered the first time she saw them, when they had knocked at her door, and Bella thought they were going to say cruel words to her face again. So remembering June's words, Bella decided to give them the "message".

"Listen here, you two. I know why you're here, and don't think you can actually crush my feelings into a million pieces like last time. Your words hurt, real real bad. You broke me, and that is a  serious issue. I used to think you were real good guys, heroes even. But what you said and did was unacceptable for heroes! I understand why you killed my dad, but you crossed a line when you said those awful words. You need to get it through your thick skulls that I am nothing like my dad, and I never will be! It's your own problem that you think I'm some awful, heartless monster just because we're related. Face it, Pines. You two have no power over me. END. OF. DISCUSSION."

Stanford and Stanley were shocked by what Bella had just said to them. They weren't expecting their archenemy's daughter to stand her ground.

They did get the message, though they told Bella they only came over to apologize, and the demon didn't know whether to believe them or not, and that was when she noticed that the both of them looked pretty much injured, both of them having broken arms and broken legs, standing up on crotches. Stan was wearing a neck brace, while Ford had some of his teeth knocked out.

If they were telling the truth, Bella figured someone had beat them up and forced them into it. So Bella accepted the apology, but told the grunkles she wouldn't accept any token of their friendship until they could earn it.

So everytime Bella crossed paths with them, she'd look at them straight in the eyes with that serious expression to remind them that they had no power over her feelings. Pretty much, they never bothered her, and left her at peace.

Right now, Bella was out for one of her nightly walks. It wasn't a uncommon thing for the demon. Whenever she just wasn't tired, she'd go out and take a scroll.

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