XVIII : Her Princess

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"You know how mean you are sometimes?"

"Yes, I do. Don't make me wait too long."

"Or what? You leave? Darling, you're the one that asked me to join you. I was perfectly fine, spending my day offs alone."'

"Yeah right. But you will be busy sleeping with women."

"Actually no. If I do sleep around, I rather not do that where I live and work. Because now I do have a reputation to maintain."

"But you're wearing a tank top under the coat."

"I didn't have time to do the laundry, okay?"

"You need more clothes, especially when you actually have a life now."

"I didn't know Natasha Romanov care about me this much." Irmina chuckled, pulling a chair out for Natasha. She rolled her eyes at the older woman, and sat down while Irmina called for the waitress, she looks like she hated her job. Irmina couldn't care less if the service was bad, they are trying as long as she got her food. Irmina ordered for both of them, then let Natasha order what she wants to try. There won't be leftovers with Irmina.

"Why did you want to visit Berlin?"

"Had time and you're the only friend I have other than Clint, Maria and Micheal."

"I'm honoured that you wanted to visit me—you need to relax."

"I can't—"

"I know, I did that. How about this time, I teach you how to take care of yourself?"

"You would?"

"I need to reverse the pain. I'm being selfish and depends on how long you want me to help."

"How selfish." Irmina shrugged, letting the waitress place her breakfast on the table. And Natasha asked for water. "Thank you."

"Of course, Romanov. I have told you time and time again, if you need anything I'll be there."

"We're friends, right? Can you just call me by my first name?"

"I like Natalia but you hate it and chose Natasha, so no."

"Fine, you can call me Natalia."

"I'll stick to Romanov." Irmina cackled, taking a sausage in her mouth then groan when she received a kick to the shin from Natasha. Again.

"I didn't realise you like sausages that much."

Irmina just glared at the Redhead, chewing her sausage as fast as she could so she could have a comeback. But Natasha shut her up by shoving a potato omelette into her mouth, the moment it opened.

"I don't like you anymore," Irmina said, muffled with her mouth full and reached for her drink. Natasha smirked as she ate and Irmina gave her some of hers to try. "This place is the pinnacle of home-cooked and traditional German cuisine. Been here since 1817?"

"1815." Irmina turned to look with a smile so bright like she was the sun. "Irmina."


Irmina jumped up and pull the woman into a hug. Irmin introduce Natasha to the woman and she joined them for breakfast.

"How did you—"

"Meet? World War 2, she was walking alone in that German uniform and she looked terrible." Irmina scoffed and took a sip of a smoothie. Martha lightly slap Irmina's arm and added salt and pepper to her food. Natasha was stunned because Martha look young, really young.

"Hey! We were at war!"

"I'm a mutant, our entire family is. We age extremely slowly." Martha answered, in a whisper, before punching her arm again.

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