When you are on your period

Start from the beginning

   "Are you sure? I can get you more snacks if you want."
"I'm fine, Mike." You sighed. "Just lay here with me."
Mike is the type to keep asking if you need anything else even if you insist you're fine. He gets concerned and nervous when he notices you're uncomfortable or upset, but tries not to take it personally. He will even give you space if you need it or a hug.

   "Okay, okay. I'll give you some space then." Mal sighed, walking out of your room.
    Mal is not very patient when you're snappish or emotional, but he does tease you when you have cravings or want physical affection. He won't hesitate to stop by Taco Bell or wherever you want to eat to satisfy your cravings. However, he'll feel embarrassed to buy you pads/tampons because he thinks that will show so much of his soft side for you. He'd rather follow you to get them.

   "I asked advice from my mom, and she said the best thing for me to do is get you snacks." Scott said, shyly handing you a bag of snacks. "Do you need anything else?"
   You smiled. "No, but thank you."
  Scott usually asks for advice from his mom or does research on the internet to help you when you're on your period. You insist he doesn't have to, but he does anyway because he notices how uncomfortable you are. He's really sweet and patient with you.

  Trent is probably the sweetest person ever. He doesn't just get you drinks, snacks and tampons. He also helps you out with whatever you need to get done. For example, if you need to clean the kitchen or run errands, he would do that for you. He just wants to take the exhaustion away from you because he notices how tired you look from it.
  "Trent, you really didn't have to." You told him, bringing him into a hug,
   Trent laughed, pulling you closer. He kissed your cheek. "Anything for my girl."

   "It sucks that you're on your monthly. Is there anything I can do to help?"
   Gwen feels bad when you're on your period, because she hates it when she gets hers. She tries to make sure you're okay and well rested.
"Please take some time to rest. I don't want you to stress out even more." She told you, handing you some blankets.
"You're the best, Gwen." You smiled, slowly falling asleep.

"Are you okay though?"
Sammy gets concerned when she sees you're exhausted, moody, or hurting from cramps. She is the best at providing you comfort, even if you get upset at something 'small.'
"It's okay, Y/N." Sammy soothed you, hugging you tightly. "Do you want to get your mind off it?"
"Yeah, thank you." You smiled, wiping your tears.

   You and Jen's cycles often sync up, so you both try to make it as bearable as possible for each other. Like what you guys do when you're both sick, you plan the cutest outfits to make you feel better on the outside. You both also go shopping for cute period underwear, even though no one is going to see it.
"These are the cutest." Jen smiled, holding up a pair of underwear.
"Right?" You laughed.
Jen always knows how to make a situation less terrible with her fashion sense and humor.

"What can I do to help?"
Mickey really wants to help you when you're on your monthly, mainly because he wants you to be comfortable. He gets sick very often, so he tries to ease your discomfort and doesn't want you to feel the way he does when he's unwell.
Mickey isn't good at cooking or making you a drink, but he will watch movies with you and comfort you as much as possible if you get moody.

"I heard this can make you feel better!" Jay said, handing you tea that helps cramps. "My doctor once recommended that to me for my stomach pain."
"Thanks." You smiled.
Jay tried to make sure you're okay and comfortable, because you always do that for him. He doesn't tell you this, but he feels proud when he helps you with things like this because it isn't contagious and he is able to take care of you.

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