"Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" Jeremy asks

"You're her stalker you tell us" Tyler says with a shrug, disinterested

"I can't find her" Jeremy says more concerned at Vicki then angry at Tyler

"She's probably found someone else to party with pill pusher, sorry I guess you've been replaced" Tyler says taking a sip of his beer

"Woah, what's with the pill pusher" Florence chuckles nervously

"Ask him" Tyler states as she looks at Jeremy

"Are you dealing?" Elena queries starting to stand up

"She's never going to go for you" Tyler tells the younger boy

"She already did, over and over again" Jeremy starts to smirk while Florence and Caroline share each other confused looks

"You slept with Vicki Donovan? I mean Vicki Donovan slept with you?" Caroline adjusted

"There's no way" Tyler shakes his head

"And I didn't even have to force her into it" Jeremy says as Florence still has a confused look on her face

"What the hell is he talking about Ty?" Matt grows frustrated as he turns to his best friend

"Nothing man, he's just being a punk" Tyler says

"You know what, how about you all shut up and help me find my sister!" Hollers Matt

"We'll check out the back" Bonnie says glancing at Caroline

"I'll check in the square" Matt responded

"I'll come with you" Jeremy voiced

"No — no you're coming with me" Elena demanded and dragged Jeremy across the room not giving him any time to object

"That's your game? You're dealing now?" Elena whisper-yells, making sure no one can give them odd looks

"Im not dealing" Jeremy hisses

"Yeah right, look i am tired of the tough luck speech because it is clearly not working" Elena expressed

"Listen, you and Jenna — "

"I can stop and send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it or to rehab where you'll sit in a group and tell some strangers how you let your life fall apart or you can talk to me" Elena snapped

"I vote for none of the above" Jeremy said then proceeded to walk away

Florence — who heard the conversation — walked up to Elena, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said "Hey maybe you should give him more time"

Elena nodded as Florence led her out of the restaurant.


𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘, Vicki was seen no less than an hour later perfectly fine with no scratch on her but they were still fussing over her which made Florence scoff. Of course. Which led her to now as she sits on a bench with her legs cross as she stares up at the constellation.

Florence always had a fascination for stars ( that's preferably why she has a room to stargaze in her house ) she likes when no — one is there to disturb her and to let her talk to the moon in peace ( ok it's weird — but it keeps her calm sometimes )

"You do know that the comet is over right" A familiar voice says behind her.

Turning around she was met with a pair of bright blue — ocean eyes looking her way. Chuckling, she remarks "Yeah I know that, I'm not stupid"

Damon chuckles then proceeds to ask the question that's been stuck on his mind as he watched her for 10 minutes or more "So why are you here then?"

"Because I can. And besides shouldn't I be asking you that? Why are you here? Coming to finish the job and kill me?" She question glancing at him

"Nah, decided your to interesting to kill" Damon teases, taking a seat beside her

"For some reason, i find that high unbelievable" Florence laughs turning to look at the stars

"So why are you here? Especially looking up at the stars of all things?"

Florence shrugs before answering "I don't know. Keeps my mind at peace i guess"

For a moment, she forgot about Vicki getting bitten and any other troubles and the fact she was sitting next to a murderous vampire. No words were needed to be spoken. It was just them two.

Looking up at the stars.


Don't be a silent reader! <3

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