You Are A Public (Dale) Safety Hazard

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Ethan spent the rest of the classes introducing himself and every time having girls swoon over him. Yeah, he was handsome but Dale never cried about that besides Dale himself was a ten it's not his fault that his personality makes him a five. A five is still pretty good!

As soon as the lunch bell rang his desk was surrounded once again by his friends.

Tay once again took his lap and whenever anyone asked if they were together she would excitedly recount the time when Tay and him smuggled alcohol from their parent's stash and got a little tipsy before going over to Alex's house for a group project. Over there while working paper got stuck on their fingers and them being tipsy decided to get married. She loves it for some reason mainly due to how unhinged the whole thing was. It was quite hilarious indeed.

"And that's how I got married to Dale a sweet love story I know! The wedding song was gimme more by Brittany Spears." Tay said giggling.

"How many times are you gonna recount this?"

"As many as I can, speaking of which Imma go socialize with the new student! gotta collect em like Pokemon maybe he'll let me adopt him-"

"NO" Yelled, Alex, Giselle, and I in unison.

"Ugh no fun whatever Imma go socialize," She said as she hopped over to Ethan.

"Annnnd she's gone." Said Alex sitting down beside me opening their lunchbox and munching on the cucumber they got.

"She's really extroverted bless her," Giselle said repeating Alex'sactions.

"Wow they are hitting it off already!" Alex said pointing at the two laughing hysterically.

"Cool," Dale says uninterested, he is assured of the fact that his lunch is more interesting.

"You can go join in if you want to socialize Dale, he's kinda your type," said Giselle boring holes into Dale's face with her strong gaze.

"He is not my type! He may have the looks but the personality is a no and also Tay has the worst way of introducing me to people, she pushes me at them one push too hard and I'll have my first kiss!" Dale declared eating faster now.

He didn't want to go near Ethan he seemed overactive and Dale had zero energy to keep up.

"Hey guys! Wanna show Ethan around the school?" Tay said Dale was going to refuse when...."Dale, would you mind showing me around?" Ethan asked ugh those green eyes had no business being the exact shade of green Dale loved.

"Alright, I am almost done with lunch," Dale said cleaning his desk.

"Let's go!" Tay chirped dragging Ethan by one hand and Dale from the other.

Dale spent most of the time not saying anything just adding the occasional.

"Ya so we were promised a pool and that never happened,"

Everything was fine until it wasn't.

Ethan wanted to play basketball so he dragged Dale and Alex joined in too, they took one side of the court and were playing Dale even shot a goal everything was going fine and Dale was kinda having fun but even before a small smile could entertain his lips his eyes caught someone.


The star basketball player who Dale may have had the tiniest crush on.

"Its very small it's barely there! " That's what he says but his friends know what a simp he is.

Oh my god look at his hair perfectly flying as he jumps to shoot that hoop, andOh my god his shirt is going up- OH MY GODS holy shit lord have mercy were those his ABS!? I am gonna die looking at his earrings ughhhhhhhhh and that neck is so perfect oh my god it looks so delicious sir mind if I have a bite? OH, HE IS LOOKING AT ME STAY CALM STAY CALM huh? Is he saying something? his mouth is movin'-

And that's when our lovely protagonist was hit in the head by a basketball by our innocent Ethan.

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