Chapter 4

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Thursday night arrives, a welcome break from the demands of the club. You meet Alejandro at a bustling bar, ready to immerse yourself in an evening of lighthearted conversations and shared laughter. Throughout the night, the connection between you deepens, fueled by genuine chemistry and the thrill of discovering each other's quirks and passions.

As the hours slip away and the drinks flow, the weight of the outside world fades into the background, leaving only the magnetic pull between you and Alejandro. Laughter erupts from your lips as he recounts amusing anecdotes, his eyes lighting up with every smile he elicits from you.

The evening is a respite from the chaos and uncertainty that often surrounds your life. With Alejandro by your side, you forget about the past hurts and insecurities, basking in the present moment and the budding connection that has taken you both by surprise.

As the night draws to a close, Alejandro insists on accompanying you home, his protective instincts shining through his gaze. The streets are hushed under the cloak of darkness, providing an intimate backdrop for the journey.

Your steps slow as you approach your apartment building, and a surge of unexpected emotions floods your heart. Standing near the entrance, like an apparition from the past, is Javier. His presence catches you off guard, and a mixture of anxiety and trepidation washes over you.

Confusion clouds your mind as you turn to Alejandro, seeking solace and understanding. His concerned gaze meets yours, silently offering support and the reassurance that you are not alone in this unexpected encounter.

With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Alejandro asks, "Do you want me to stay with you? I can make sure everything is okay."

Gratitude tugs at your heart, but you shake your head, determined to face Javier on your own. "Thank you, Alejandro, but I think I can handle this. I need to find out why he's here."

As Alejandro bids you farewell with a warm smile, you take a deep breath and turn to face Javier. There is a mix of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes as he meets your gaze.

"Hey," he says, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability. "I didn't expect to see you... I wanted to talk to you."

Your defenses rise instinctively, fueled by the hurt and confusion that Javier's recent behavior has caused. "What do you want, Javier? It's late, and I'm not in the mood for games."

His gaze searches yours, regret and determination intertwining within his eyes. "I... I wanted to apologize. I know I've been distant, and I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you."

Uncertainty mixes with anger, and you cut him off, unable to bear his explanations any longer. "So, what? You think you can just show up here, apologize, and everything will be fine? None of your women wanted to fuck you tonight, is that why you're here?"

Javier's expression morphs from regret to disbelief, hurt flashing in his eyes. "No, it's not like that. I care about you, and I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't want to put you in harm's way."

You scoff, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, how noble of you. Protecting me by pushing me away and acting like I don't exist. Is that your idea of caring?"

Javier's features contort with pain, his voice pleading. "I know it was a mistake, but I thought I was doing what was best. I never wanted to hurt you."

Tears of frustration well up in your eyes as you shake your head, unable to comprehend his actions. "Well, congratulations. You succeeded in hurting me anyway. I can't keep waiting around for someone who treats me like an afterthought."

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