"I like it loud," Jacob said. "Makes me imagine I'm riding on a chopped Harley ironhorse. Can I come in?"

"That depends," Ben said, drawing himself up to his full stature. "You gonna take a swing at me?"

Jacob looked injured. "Dude. How could you say that?"

"Because you rushed me with both fists up the other day, and Leah Clearwater stepped between us."

"Oh, come on. That is like a total exaggeration."

"So, my mistake then? I have it misconstrued?"

Jacob frowned and said, "I'm not sure. Is that a trick question?"

Ben shook his head and opened the door wide. As they headed into the kitchen, he said, "Your summer school finals are next week. English is one of them, isn't it? I hope you're studying."

"Look, Ben. If you're gonna hit me with a vocabulary quiz, I'm turning right around."

"Please do. You have any idea how early it is?"

Jacob laughed and plopped himself into one of the new chromium steel kitchen chairs. "It's hard to catch you these days. Case in point. You're already dressed to go out."

Ben smirked and looked down at himself, dressed in running silks and shoes, ready for the day. "Now you mention it," he said, "you have kind of caught me on the run. Big day today. I'm gonna try my longest jog since the injuries."

He went to the refrigerator and pulled out orange juice, butter and marmalade. He poured juice for Jacob and himself, and then started some toast.

Jacob watched him with a frown and said, "Dude. You're supposed to butter that after you toast it."

"Quiet. I have a system."

Jacob shook his head. "So, this run. Where you headed?"

Ben decided not to specify. He didn't know what stopped him. Too much complication. If he told Jacob his goal was the Cullen property, it would raise too many questions. Instead he said, "I'm headed up your way, toward the Delta."

"Whoa. Man, that's too far. It's like eighteen miles."

"I know, I know. I won't get that far. I do have to make it back. I'm thinking I'll go as far as I can, and I'll turn around when I'm really starting to feel it."

"You'll never make it back."

"Oh, I'll be okay. I'll walk back, if I have to. This little odyssey is the only thing on my agenda, today."

He rummaged around in a cupboard, while the atmosphere filled with the aroma of burnt bread, and emerged with a liter bottle, which he filled with Gatorade, during which the toaster popped. He spread marmalade on four half-slices, returned to the table, and set two slices in front of Jacob, on a napkin.

"Thanks, man. Haven't had orange marmalade since I was five."

"Breakfast of champions," said Ben. "Listen Jake, I'm kind of on the run, literally. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Jacob blurted through a mouthful of toast, "Came to apologize."

"Oh. Apology accepted."

"No, man," Jacob insisted, swallowing, "seriously. I need to get this out. I was out of line. I was like totally pathetic the other day, and I get that. Zoey's like my first girlfriend, ever, and I'm too possessive. I know that. I can feel it coming on, the jealousy, you know? But I just can't help it. It just comes, and it comes, and I can't escape it, and then it hits, and it's like, whoa."

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