Chapter 1

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You wake up, remembering all what happened last night... and no sign of it ever happening. There's no damage to your bed, Chara's bag of chips and knife are gone, your rug looks as good as new, and you're neatly tucked in your bed.

"Huh... Chara?" You mumbled to yourself. You take a good look around, your door is closed, and there is zero signs of anyone but you being there.

You get up, thinking yesterday was a dream. You get out your room, brush your teeth, and head to your living room, only to see Chara chilling on the couch, eating a piece of toast. You very loudly gasp behind the couch, which Chara looks at you.

"W-Y-You're still here??" You say, sounding a lot more confused.

"Yeah, I've been here." Chara says.

"...Ooookaaaaayy... Any reason... why you stayed??" You ask.

"Homeless." Chara responded.

"Ah... I'm gonna have to start charging you re-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Chara seemingly out of nowhere appears a foot away from you, and has their knife at your throat.

"...Charge me rent, and my knife will charge into your throat." Chara threatened.

"U-Understood!" You said, seeming, again, very scared.

"Good. Now then, if you don't mind, I'm gonna make the electrical bill go way up." Chara said, sitting back down on the couch.

"So... are you gonna... leave?" You asked.

"Either I have to go around and fuck about out there, or I can get free toast and TV." Chara responded.

"Okay, listen, Chara, I'm gonna need you to probably leave within the next week because I kinda don't want my parents coming back from vacation, and finding... you, so..."

"Oh, I'm aware. Checked your mailbox, they're coming back a bit earlier." Chara said.

"I- WHAAAATTT?????!??" You scream.

"Yeah, given the schedule, about... 12 hours from now." Chara said, with a small bit of a chuckle to their voice.

"Holy shit, you need to leave RIGHT NOW, or else I'll be in huge amounts of trouble and I'll probably get grounded and I'll prob-"

"I heard you last night." Chara interrupted. "Don't think I didn't forget."

"Oh yeah... why don't we forget tha-"

"No, we're gonna touch on that subject when your parents get back." Chara interrupted again.

"NOT INFRONT OF THEM!" You screamed.

"Oorr we could touch on it now and never talk about it again." Chara said. "Or I kill you, and nobody finds the body. You have 3 options."

"L-Let's do the 2nd one! Please." You say, very frantically.

"Alright, so..." Chara says, getting up from the couch, and looking at you directly. "What is it?"


"What is it about me you find "hot" or whatever?" Chara asked.

"Well, maybeit'sbecauseyoulookprettyandthat'saprettybigbumponthatchestanduhh" You start saying things very frantically, so fast that anybody can barely keep up with what you're saying. Chara takes a few steps closer to you.

"No, tell me. It's fine, you don't need to panic." Chara said, having a very confident look on their face.

"Well you see, it's not really just one thing, it's a lot..." You say. Chara gets closer.

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