13- second dates?

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"Yes mom." I put my head down and she walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my head.

"I'm your mother and I just want what's right for you."

Her touch made me want to scream. How could you completely disregard my feelings and then act all innocent and sweet. My eyes burned with tears that were threatening to spill out but I sat in my mother's arm, hopeless.

End of flashback

Thankfully Paige barging into my room made me snap out of the memory. One I'd been reliving for days.

"Hey Jules. What's wrong." She sat down next to me when she noticed the sad expression on my face.

"Every summer I have to go back home and I'm just dreading seeing my mom again." I sighed, resting my head against Paige's shoulder.

"How 'bout whenever you're done in New York come to Montana with me. You can meet my mom, Lauren and Ryan." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I looked up at her sadly.

"Really?" My voice was soft. I didn't want to intrude on Paige and her family but I would much rather be with them then my own.

"Yes, I know they're dying to meet you." She laughed, pulling me closer to her. "Cmon I finally got a day off and we are not spending it sulking around." She pulled me off the bed.

"What do you mean you got a day off?" Paige couldn't really take days off. If she was able to, she had to be at basketball or in class.

"Well more like I told them I was sick and switched all my stuff to tomorrow." She admitted and I hit her arm.

"P, what the hell." She just laughed.

"Don't be mad ok? I feel like I haven't seen my girlfriend in weeks and I hate it." She put her hands on my waist and looked at me.

"I know I just don't want you to push important stuff aside." I scolded. As much as she was cute I couldn't let her put me in front of basketball. I knew how much she loved the sport.

"It's one day, plus Geno could tell I was lying." She shrugged and continued pulling me out the door.

"I have so many exams." I groaned and she stopped again to look at me.

"Jules we both know you're extremely over prepared and stressed for nothing. You got this, you're the smartest person I know." She reassured and she was right.

I knew everything I could possibly know but I was an overthinker. I felt like there was more I could do so I just continued studying material I already knew. No harm in spending one day with Paige after not seeing her in what felt like months.

She dragged me to her car that was parked outside and opened the door for me and she got in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking over at her as she drove. She started holding my hand while she drove, even resting it on my leg sometimes which drove me nuts.

"The fair." She said, like it was completely obvious information that I should've known.

I smiled, knowing this was another thing Paige had planned for us to do. I heard of the fair before but just never ended up going and there was no one better to be going with for the first time. The car ride was longer and I got distracted playing with the rings on her hand.

'Jules, we're here." She smiled, getting out of the car and opening the door for me. I wanted to hold her hand but I had to stop myself. People could recognize her. It was almost dark out so the lights from the fair illuminated the sky. It was pretty full, with people of all ages running around and enjoying themselves. There were rides, games, food and music. My face lit up and Paige noticed putting her arm around my shoulder and dragging us through the people.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin