📖~-Beauty within the horror-~🖤

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Beauty within the horror.

(Y/N) had always seen beauty in everything she ever saw and heard, and the man in front of her was no exception...

Well desperately trying to get away, the males mask had been knocked off and thrown who knows were, it being the last thing on his mind after he chased after her...

Now the two found themselves in a very similar situation as before, her cornered and him standing between her and her way out... The only difference, being before she could have ran away... Now she couldn't..

But to be completely fair... She wasn't sure she wanted to... She had never gotten a good look at him until now, and she honestly wasn't sure if she could look away now...

Jack's skin was such a soft looking ashy gray color, kind of reminding her of what was left of a large and warm fire once it died down to nothing... But his eyes where something else completely... My god his eyes....

They where such a deep dark, black... It was as if pools of a starless night where in his sockets, spilling and leaking out down his face slowly, as if the sky was crying for him... Or maybe it was crying for her...? Or more likely, it was crying for everyone... But it was especially crying for the two of them tonight...

She felt herself tremble as he walked closer, his sharp claw like nails sticking through his gloves... His sharp teeth seeming to catch the moonlight, catching it just right so the points shimmered and made them look much sharper than they probably were... Although (Y/N) had a feeling they would actually be sharper than they looked....

"I just wanna get away.... Is that really so much to ask...?" She asked, feeling tears start to collect in her eyes... Jack smirked slightly at this. "You really are something else..." He said, taking a few steps closer to her. "If it makes you feel any better... I think I might actually miss your company..." He said, although it was hard to tell if he was serious or not...

It was always hard to tell with him, he had mastered the art of sarcasm to a fault, not even he could tell if he ment it or not... Would he miss her..? It didn't really matter, not anymore....

Jack didn't waste any more time as he charged at (Y/N). She WANTED to run away and scream, but it seemed her body had other plans...

Before Jack could get his claws or his teeth on her, she reached out a hand and cupped his cheek, not even flinching at the feeling of the odd sticking texture of the black liquid that came from his eyes...

And... She smiled...

He really was beautiful... Within the horror of himself...

Feel free to ask for a part two for any of these stories!

Shout out to my girlfriend, who would NOT SHUT UP for more than five seconds the whole time I was writing this! So, if this sucked or I made any mistakes, blame her!

As always

Bye guys. Forever with your souls!

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