Alice finds the Vorpal Sword

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After the bond Alice had with Hatter and Stella she left their room and looked to the right to see if the Red Queen was near, luckily she wasn't and she walked to the right and she continued walking until she had to turn a left and she started running until she came upon the tweedle brothers 

tweedles said Alice

Alice said the Tweedle Dum

how do you do again said Tweedle Dee

where's the rabbit asked Alice

how is it you're being so great big asked Tweedle Dum 

she ain't great big, this is how she normal is said Tweedle Dee

i'm certain she's smaller when we met said Tweedle Dum 

no, she drank the pishsalver to get through the door recall it said Tweedle Dee

oh yeah said Tweedle Dum 

where's the rabbit Alice asked again 

the two brothers pointed in different directions 

over theres said the Tweedle brothers 

Alice was confused, a bit later the Tweedle brothers were leading Alice to the White Rabbit, they walked down the halls until they came upon Mally the dormouse and the White Rabbit as they were standing infront of a window

what are you doing here asked Mally 

i'm rescuing the Hatter and Stella said Alice

i'm rescuing the Hatter and Stella said Mally

he told me that the vorpal sword is hidden in the castle, help me find it said Alice

Tweedle Dee looked at the White Rabbit as he looked down a bit and Mally brought out her little sword and pointed it at Alice

i don't take orders from big, clumsy, galumphing-- but Mally was cut off my Alice as she waved her hand 

shoo said Alice as Mally walked away and Alice leaned down a bit to talk to the White Rabbit

what is it, McTwisp asked Alice

i know where the sword is said the White Rabbit 

a bit later the White Rabbit led Alice to a little cage house 

the sword's hidden inside said the White Rabbit as Alice started walking toward the cage house

be careful Alice said the White Rabbit

Alice continued to walk to the cage house with White Rabbit following behind her as she walked closer to the cage house she notice something was familiar 

i know that smell said Alice as she peeked into the little crack in the door and she saw the bandersnatch sleeping but he had a chain around his neck like Stella had in her dragon form, Alice back away from the door and she looked down at the White Rabbit 

i'm not going in there said Alice

the White Rabbit was confused 

look what that thing did to my arm said Alice as she removed the bandage from her arm and she showed him the three scratch marks on her arm 

dear, oh dear, why haven't you mentioned this asked the White Rabbit 

it wasn't this bad before said Alice as she covered her wound with the bandage again until the White Rabbit started to hyperventilate until he passed out

Alice looked at the bandersnatch again then knew what she had to do, she went back into the castle

meanwhile Mally opened a door to a room 

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