thee daughters and son of the light

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There were this man who was mentally ill suffering with voices he walk through thee
City not know where he was going all thee sudden there was this white limo there was
This couple getting out of thee limo it was white thee man at this time was homeless because of maharaja he was growing herb
In thee house on witmore and he was still
Fresh and new to thee city thee man was the game holder and his wife was mother omega mother orgin mother earth this demonic voices was attacking the man and he did know what to do so the man he met took him in his house he had a window ceiling where thee angles and other would come in spiritual beings very powerfully TM transcending down to earth from thee universe in another demsion they talked about reggae and ratafarians thee man that was on thee street wasn't a RaSTA he would people give him these labels so they could say things about him like he didnt know his knowledge on spiritually and religion they're not the same they are on two dut expects so the underground rapper stayed there for thee time being and he was very grateful

paradise rose bible For I Tell You Thee Truth Worthy Was Looking At Reflection. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt