Chapter One

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Three days before the party

Louis pulled in to his parking spot at school, Liam in the passenger seat, Zayn in the back. Louis had a nice car. It was old but he took good care of it, keeping it in good quality and such. It was black, 1967 Chevy Impala, and he treated it like his child.

The boys got out of the car, grabbing their bags out of the back, and walked towards the school. Louis locked the car as they walked away, causing a few students near it to jump.

"Do you two have Footie practice tonight?" Zayn asked, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah," Louis responded. "Lasts until I think seven."

"Great." Zayn said sarcastically. "You're my only way home."

"Just stay for the practice." Louis said. "Smoke under the bleachers."

Zayn laughed softly. "That's probably what I'll end up doing. I'll save some for you though, Tommo."

"As to be expected." Louis responded, grinning.

Liam gave them a disapproving eye-roll and the boys walked to their classes, Zayn splitting off towards the D wing. Louis and Liam had their first class together, History. They got to the class about .2 seconds before the bell rang and headed to their normal seats in the back of the room. Louis enjoyed his history class, but he had a hard time paying attention usually. Or he just didn't want to.

He pulled his book out, along with his phone. He hid his phone under his desk and opened his text strand with Liam.

Was I right in saying 7:00 for the end of practice?

Yeah. Why? You're always on top of that shit.

I'm kinda fucked up right now

Hung over or high?

He closed the text strand and opened instagram. He looked back at the story he had posted to his close friends the night before. It was a picture of him smoking. He groaned softly and put his head to his desk, feeling a headache coming on. Louis was a known druggie, sure, but he didn't like the reputation. And just the fact that he had posted it to his story for a bunch of kids at his school to see? Yeah. Not the best move.

He looked back down at his phone in his lap and pulled up his texts with Zayn.

Skip second?


He sigh softly and put his phone down, trying to take notes, but he quickly found his attention span had dissolved into nothing.


"Can I copy your notes?" Louis asked Liam as they walked out of class.

"Yeah, sure." Liam responded.

"Cool, thanks man." He said. "Me and Zayn Are ditching second."

"To sober up or get more faded?" Liam asked, unable to suppress his eye-roll.

Louis laughed softly. "Can't smoke until after practice."

"I support that choice." Liam said, grinning slightly. "But I don't really enjoy the fact that you smoke weed with my boyfriend every day."

Louis rolled his eyes. "If you tried it, you'd understand. And it's not everyday."

"Sure." Liam responded. "Zayn said he'd cut it back and I really would appreciate if you'd try too."

Louis looked at him for a second and let out a groan. "Fine! But you're the only one I'd ever do that for."

Liam smiled. "I know. Now go find Zayn and sober up."

Will this fuck me up? (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now