The kidnapping pt 2

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Izuku's pov
"For you to love us" sero said "and to do that we need to get something out of the why." I looked at him shocked. They wanted us to love them and they were going to get something out of the way. "A-and what is t-that you need t-to get o-out the way." I tried to sound calm but I shuddered a little bit. "Oh it's really easy" he paused for a minute motioning for the other to to go get something and I was shocked to see what they brought out

Sero then turned back to me and continued talking "we are going to get rid of the ones that won't leave you alone". Kacchon and Kirishima then threw three people down in front of me, denki, and Todoroki. "You are going to get rid of the people who lie say we that we're dating when we aren't" Todoroki said looking at Kacchon. "What you aren't dating" Kirishima spoke up look a bit confused "No but he acts like we are when I regrets him." Denki said "Yeah and I told Uraraka multiple times that I am gay" I tell them " and I don't know why Momo keeps following me." The three looked at each other a little in shock and a little confused from what happened.

After a few minutes

"So you will not care if we kill them right here and new" Kacchon said will more liked asked in confusion. "I mean I won't, you two?" I said while I ask the other two in the chars. They both shock their heads no. We then all hard some noise coming from the three on the floor. Shinso sat up the best he could and then spoke up "H-Hello anyone t" before he could finish his neck was cut open by Kirishima. He then walked behind Denki and untied him. Next sero grabbed his gun and shot Uraraka in the head then went behind me and untided me then picked me up, setting where I just was setting me on his lap. Lastly Kacchon stabbed Momo in the heart and then untied Todoroki picking him up and taking him upstairs.

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