"You may call me Jaden, just a simple humble man hoping to find a permanent home for his son. I'm too old and I wouldn't curse nor shame the boy to be brought up with me as any kind of acceptable role model...No, I won't subject the boy to that fate" he sighs. He was led into a warm home with a delicious strong aroma that actually made his stomach yearn and growl for a taste or morsel to replenish him. "Come my friend" Deimos insisted and they entered the room where the family dined.
Spending three days getting to know the family in the land they inhabited named Lemuria, the god surmised that this was more than the best place to leave the young god to grow and strive to his true potential before returning to his rightful place as a god. "Raise my son as you would had he fallen from your own seed. Raise him righteous and with the values instilled within yourself and for every day that he strives and grows, your lands shall never falter, you will never have to worry about the harvest. There will be food aplenty growing amongst the lands, vegetation, your cattle will feed from the best grown grass. As well I shall endorse you annually with an acceptable stipend for your kindness and my financial debt to you over this matter" Jaden brokered the terms over a meal of fine wine and dried meats. Deimos couldn't believe what he were hearing, he was flabbergasted, confused.

"You speak with so much conviction my friend. How can you promise such gifts when you yourself stood here alone when you arrived wearing nothing but rags and torn cloth. I mean that with no mockery or slight towards you my good man, one is just curious " Deimos explains. He was going to do what was asked of him because it wasnt his nature to leave one so small to suffer and struggle a fate worse than he deserved even worse if Jaden chose to take the boy elsewhere. The lemurian lands were plagued with demons, monsters all kind of scary things you didn't want to cross paths with for fear it may be your last step.

Jaden smirked "“My dear friend Deimos, your curiosity is understandable. You're right, when I arrived here, I was dressed in rags and torn cloth, appearing as a mere mortal. But as they say,Never judge a book from its cover” he winks then breathes breathed shedding his mortal form revealing his true godly form in warrior armour, he then spoke.

“With conviction in my words, I assure you that the gifts I promise are not empty words. As I shed my mortal form and reveal my true godly nature, you can see the power and potential within me. I am here to fulfill my purpose and ensure the well-being of my son, even if it means facing the demons and monsters that plague the lands of Lemuria. Rest assured, my friend, together we will overcome any challenges that come our way. With your kindness and my divine strength, we will create a safe and prosperous future for our son. Trust in the power that lies within us, and let us embark on this extraordinary journey together. May the gods be with us” Exhaling and stretching as he had been in his human form too long."Three days powerless and human will give you such a creak in the neck" he groaned. Deimos' eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he gasped "You're the god Verlyn?! I'm a humble servant and champion of yours my lord" he took out his medallion which held Verlyn's emblem. Verlyn nodded gratefully. Deimos immediately put the pieces together. "The child is your true issue isn't he?" The general questioned. Verlyn's solemn look that confirmed it. Gaping louder he watched the child in his wife's arms on the veranda as she played with him. "He's the prophesied child isn't he? The child born from the trinity, the last primary god" Deimos questioned showing his knowledge.

Verlyn's eyes glowed "How do you know that human" he snarled preparing to tear his new friend apart. Shrinking back not in fear but out of respect "There was a prophecy tablet discovered by my father and myself when I had been maybe five or six years of age. We had been hiking and searching for our sheep that had run off. We came to this large mountain peak where the tablets stood in a mutual shrine. My father read the prophecy of a god born from a trinity of gods consisting of the Kalosum and the Mavronimo and that such a god would be inherited by man and would rule supreme over these very lands" Deimos explained causing Verlyn to calm down a degree. Sensing no lie from the man before him. "Where is the mural now?" He questioned.

"My father insisted that it be broken and hidden knowing that such evil could lurk and hope to manipulate such power to their favor. The broken fragments we made sure to gather every piece. It was hefty walk back down to our home. They lie beneath that table in a hidden compartment in the ground" Deimos reached to go fetch them. Placing them infront of the god when he recovered them staring at the plates for the first time in years. Verlyn studied them in complete disbelief, it were almost impossible that the boy was predicted and prophesied from truly the beginning of time 'but why' he thought to himself.

"Do I have your word that you will embrace this duty bestowed on you lord Deimos " Verlyn demanded to know. Standing tall "I swear it on everything I love and possess in this world. The child shall be as if he came from me very own sack and blood. I shall make sure that he fulfils his destiny as well as the prophecy" Deimos promised. "He shall know his parentage when the time comes. He is born from Earth, Wind and Fire. All powers within that are revealed are stripped and bound" Verlyn revealed the boy's parentage. Nodding obediently. Verlyn reached out his hand to shake the man's wrist. "I shall withhold my end of the bargain. With that be well my good man Deimos and thank you for your loyalty and service" with that he flashed away with one more glance to his son. He was desperate to discover answer after he shared the news with his fellow parents. His research would have to begin once all have recovered and fully healed to their true strengths.

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