Chapter 18: Books and Books

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Later than I wanted it to be. Here is the Next Chapter!

He felt a great deal of distress early on in the afternoon. Hours passed before it finally went away. Till it dispersed to only the normal ache accompanied by not quite loss but that feeling of wrongness. He couldn't help but think that Randy had told Ari what they had realized. The fact that the boy knew was ever relieving if it wasn't for the distress that Cove knew flooded from Ari's mind and into his own nervous system. It was worse than all those years of pain splotched randomly throughout his days. He finally knew the cause, but it didn't put him at ease as he thought it might. If this distress carved through his body like this, then what could have possibly been causing Ari so much pain that Cove could feel it before they even knew each other? It wasn't a thought he wanted, nor one he could contemplate.

Cove didn't think for a moment he knew what happened to the boy on the other side or why Ari was there. If anything, he'd thought a tie that couldn't be broken, outside of some tall tales, would've allowed the boy some comfort in the new home. He needn't worry about ever not being wanted; Cove wouldn't live without him. He needn't worry about money or livelihood as thanks to Cove's lineage, even if some despise the fact. But, of course, it was the opposite. Cove wasn't even sure if he should show up the next day for another meeting. He had hoped to plan others and set a standard day, but that may be far-fetched now. If Air flipped at the mere mention of their bond, he didn't know how often he should be around the boy. Feared that he was stressing someone, he already felt some love for. He didn't know what exactly Ari even felt for him now, bond or not. It was painful. Especially as he knew Randy would be assuring Ari that he had a choice, he could do nothing, he could even ban Cove from seeing him. It was painful and he didn't know if he truly wished to be that kind.

Cove took a breath flipping through the book on the elven. The title goes so far as to mimic their language. It had glanced over sections of their culture, some specific debates in what it is and what is not allowed. Religion, housing, the building of the first Civ, information that even their books in purple didn't have of their history. It was a wonder they seemed to lack so much outside of the specialties or even in crossing the specialties. They had no true historical record of history other than some famed heroes and persons of interest and why the specialties arose. Even more, a written account of religion. Something they don't hand out at all. It was very fascinating, and Cove could already see where some areas tied in and what could be the truth mixed with some of his father's accounts of his childhood that aren't to leave the crowned family. It was unconfusing until it mentioned areas that didn't exist. Full bloodlines that Cove couldn't grasp, civilizations that seem to have been lost in the nulled lands.

He had slips of paper sticking out from the book on nearly every other page. Questions and disagreements with the book. He wasn't by any chance one who looked to the higher beings as the source of his power or the creation of their land, but there just mentioning's of practices that scared Cove to the point that he feared if they were true. He wanted someone to tell him it would never happen but if it's thought, why couldn't it exist?

He wanted to talk to Ari. To explain what he'd grown up under, he had friends, people he considered family, that lived on the faith lands. They gave their very blood to the higher beings of their choosing and that the exelascs guided them daily, even having a place in the court. Though they were rarely called upon. He wanted to talk to Ari about everything and he wanted answers to more questions than could probably be answered.

None of this could happen today though. The pain, now gone, could have only meant that Ari had fallen into a slumber. Deep enough to forget his fears of Cove. He couldn't go to Ari today, he needed to give the boy space, but he desperately wanted to.

The next day he gave in. Cove knocked on the door. He was nervous and unsure whether Ari would even want to speak with him today. What would it even be about- the books or them? Then the door opened, and it was Ari. He couldn't hear any other steps in the house when Ari answered the door, suggesting that they may be on their own today. Where were Leander and Randy? They'd spent the previous days warning Cove to be careful. To take care not to push Ari and allow Leander and occasionally Randy to lead the boy to and about it he seemed to withdraw. Cove had witnessed some moments, one in particular, that made him understand just how delicate the situation may be. So why today of all days would they leave the two by themselves?

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