Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Joe's laughing at Q (who fell off his horse!) "U can't do anything right, Q!" Joe teases. "I'm a city-boy!" Q grumbles & wipes the dust off his jeans. They watch as Sal storms outta the barn followed by an apologetic Alex. "Whoa! What's wrong with 'em?!" Q wonders. "Sal, wait! Just listen to me, lemme explain!" she cries out. "Why should I listen to u?! U're blinded by ur love for Don!" Sal accuses. "That's ridiculous!" Alex exclaims, innocently. "I could tell that u still loved him after that kiss that u two shared! U were blushing! & u didn't even stand up for me, while he insulted me!" Sal continues. "He was just jokin' around, Sal!" Alex tries to explain. "U have to choose, the outlaw or ur husband. He's not the same old Don u knew." Sal goes back into the house.

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