Chapter 1

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Everyone's gathered at Alex's home/ranch in Texas. They're sitting in the living room with her mom who insisted that they look at some old family pics together. "Why don't u grab that photo album there, son?" Mrs. Ferns instructs Sal, who struggles with the fat album. He drops it onto the floor & all the photos scatter all over the living room floor. "Nice job, clumsy cowboy!" Joe laughs. Sal starts to help Alex in picking 'em up. "Who's this hunk?" Q asks, grabbing a photo from Alex's hand. It's a photo of a muscular cowboy standing next to a horse. "That's Don Sherman. He was our next door neighbor..." Alex replies, snatching it back. "...& her boyfriend!" her brother, Adam interrupts with a grin. "He wasn't my boyfriend!" Alex blushes. "I caught them doing some naughty stuff in the barn together many summers ago!" Adam reveals. "He was just givin' me a back rub!" Alex exclaims, innocently. "Yeah right! Why wasn't he wearing a shirt then?" Adam asks. "It was hot." Alex replies, calmly. "Oh really? I remember that it was the coolest summer ever!" Adam recalls. "Argh! U're going down!" Alex tackles him & covers his mouth so that he won't reveal any more secrets & they start wrestling, as everyone stares in disbelief (Q even cheers "Fight! Fight!!") "Why do all the 'Dons' have to be sexy? Don Draper, Don Michael Corleone,this guy! Don Sherman...what a hottie!" Beth drools over his pic. "What are y'all doin'?! Adam Anthony Ferns! U get off ur sister this instant! U're gonna tear her hair out, u imbecile!!" Mrs. Ferns screams. They stop fighting & apologize to each other. "Now , who wants lunch?" she asks. They eat a hearty lunch consisting of roasted potatoes, fried chicken, corn-on-cob & other Texan delicacies.

Eyes on another cowboy?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora