It All ends Here

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"Y/n your late on that fan kick, and you better turn that left foot out." She says to me 

Kenzie and I are on the opposite sides of each other in the group dance so when she runs to the left I run to the right. Ms. Abby says it's because I am a left tuner and does everything on my left so she doesn't want it to look off.

"Y/n! Chloe! That left leg needs to come up more arch your backs." 

In the middle of the dance my sister is supposed to lift me up but she forgets to do that so I have to go on to doing something else in replace of it.

"Chloe! What are you doing, You just missed that whole step!" Ms. Abby yells.

We start to go over the dance one more time before Ms. Abby dismisses us for Chloe and Maddie to work on their duet. 

*Interview with Chloe*

This week I am doing a duet with Maddie and we are both swans and I'm the black one, usually I'm like the goody two-shoes I guess so I'm excited to be a little bit on the bad side this week. 

*Interview over*

~Two days till nationals~ 

Today Ms. Abby was taking us to the park, where there is a lake!

"Come on guys, let's go! Everyone bought a towel?" She says 

I hold up mine as we get into the van. Once we put our seat belts on my mom pulls Ms. Abby aside to talk to her. Once they came back we went threw the mountains and up to the lake.

When we got there we all ran out of the van and Ms. Abby has us put our towels on the ground. 

"Girls I bought you guys out here because I am so tired of you being in a ballroom at every competition. You guys need to get out and see the world." She says.

She had us lay on the towel on our stomach while she helped us by stretching our back and legs.

"How about I am beautiful on the inside, can I hear it?" she says 

"I am beautiful on the inside" We all say back to he.

*Interview with Kenzie- y/n*

Kenzie: Sometimes I don't think Abby knows what she is talking about.

Y/n: And sometimes she just talks and talks and talks and it never stops!

*Interview over *

"Girls I want you to sit here while I talk to Chloe" She says taking my sister to the side.

We all sat and waited.

"Let's do a contest!" I said standing up.

"Who can run to the other side the fastest!" Kenzie said 

All of the girls got up 

"I will be the judge!" Maddie says running to the end 

"Three! Two! One! GO!" She says and we all race to her.

First Brooke was in the lead and then Paige, followed by Nia, Kenzie and I were the last two but then Nia ran to the front and was the first to Maddie.

"And the winner is Nia!" She says and we all clap 

"Good job Nia!" Kenzie says. and I nod 

"Let's get back before Abby comes" Paige says 

We all run back and when Abby and Chloe come back she tells us it's time to leave ad we go back to the hotel. 


The moms are taking us bowling. I have never been but Chloe says that it will be fun, all you do is roll the ball into the little white pins at the end of the lane. 

When it's my turn she helps me roll it, and I got all on the ones on the right but there were still three on the left too. 

"You will get them all next time!" Chloe says and I go to sit down.

"I know I will" I say and she pushes me playfully.

"Guys we have to leave!" Melissa says 

That's when I noticed a man walking up to Kenzie. 'That must be her dad' I thought.  I went over to clean my hands and we left.

*One day till nationals*

Today we were starting with the group dance without Brooke and Paige while they went to learn their duet.

Kelly was not too happy about that because she was talking really loud threw the wall but then Ms. Abby started yelling back to her.

They kept yelling threw the wall until Kelly came into the room with Abby and they talked then Kelly left with Brooke and Paige.

We had to rehearse the group number without Brooke and Paige which was a little hard for Kenzie and I because we have a little bit of partner work with them, but we were able to get it done.

*Competition Day*

We were at starbound nationals competition. Chloe and Maddie were going first with their solos, so I was helping Maddie stretch her legs for her splits while Chloe was putting on make up.

"This doesn't hurt right?" I said pushing her leg by her head.

"Nope, push it up a little higher!" She says and I do that.

Then her dad walks in. 

"Maddie are you done with y/n? I need her to help me too!" Chloe says 

"Yeah I am" Maddie says running's over to her dad.

I go over to Chloe and help her stretch her middle splits too.

Before the girls leave my mom gives Maddie and 'Mommy hug' and I give her a hug too and my sister before we sit and watch them preform.

When Chloe get's on she is doing really good and then she stops and looks at us before standing there for a few seconds. She looked like she was going to cry while freezing up. When she ends we all clap and when to her.

She was crying but I knew that she didn't forget her dance, she was just scared. I hated seeing her cry though. 

Her and the other girls went on stage for awards and Maddie ended up winning, and we all went back to the green room. 

Soon the girls started getting ready for their duets and Brooke and Paige went up first. I thought they looked really good for them dancing together for the first time. 

When they were done I was time for Chloe and Maddie's duet. While they were dancing Chloe was playing the dark swan and I think she plays dark roles really well.

After they both finished we met them in the hallway. We went back to the audience for duet awards and Brooke and Paige came in fifth while Chloe and Maddie came in first. 

After we went to get ready for the group dance and got our costumes on. I really like the costumes because they were pink. Then Maddie's dad comes in and Abby makes him leave with her.

We get on stage and get ready to go on. We all on stage and Kenzie and I were off a little but we were able to fix it.

After the dance we were sitting on the stage for the group awards.

"And you top group winner is.... 'This is my Beauty Abby Lee Dance Company" 

He calls our group as fist place and I jump up and down. 

"And where do you guys dance?" He asks 

"Abby Lee Dance Company!" We say into the mic.

"Good job ladies', but your job has just stated" Ms. Abby says

"I have a surprise for you! We are going back to LA" She says 

I am so happy to go back there. 

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