Part 8 Mind The Woods.

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Dry leaves crunched, fallen branches snapped as Wednesday and (Y/N) make their ways through the foggy forest. "The book you read the other, The Red Moon. What's it about?" Wednesday breaks the awkward silence between the two.

"It's about the history of Lunar Eclipses and the culture surrounding it. I'm sure someone like you preferred to call it Blood Moon." (Y/N) replied.

"What about the term fallen butterfly? You used it to describe what you saw in the forest that night Rowan was murdered." "You sure are talkative today. Did something happened between you and Tyler?" The boy returned the question.

"Informations sharing. It's what we agreed on." She turned around facing him. "You said trees. I saw that too. Branches. I stepped on them. So is fallen leaves. But not fallen butterfly. So tell me, or are you holding back on me?" She awaits the answer.

(Y/N) walked past her and she follows. "It's just a metaphor. Ever heard about fallen angels?" "The Valkyrie?" "Eh, sort of. For someone like me. Someone who's made some mistakes in the past, my sins could never be atone for. But I'm no angel." (Y/N) concluded.

"So you're talking about you that night. But why butterfly? I thought you're into vulture." Wednesday asks the boy curiously. "Sounds cool, I guess." He replied.

The pair soon reached a very old, burned wooden structure that never survives the time. "It's that everything you hope for?" (Y/N) ask looking at the girl. "I was expecting it to be more flashier. Some hanging ropes would've turned this place into tourist attraction."

Both of them go inside but were soon greeted by a scruffy old man. "What the hell are you two doing here?! Get out! This is my place!!" He demanded. "Thing a little hand here." Thing crawl out of Wednesday's bag and make it's way onto the old man's neck pulling his long white beard. He screams in pain while running out of the settlement.

Thing return soon after. "Did you killed him?" (Y/N) asks the severed hand who just shrugged off. "Thing, get started. Don't miss anything." Wednesday ordered as she begins investigating around the burned out meeting house. (Y/N) looked around. He found some stacked old wood blocks and proceed to sit there waiting for the two to finish.

Some moment passed and Wednesday still couldn't found anything related to Crackstone. Thing climb atop the wood block where (Y/N) is sitting and tapping it's fingers gaining their attention. He proceeds to make some gesture towards Wednesday.

"No. I can't just touch anything and expect the results. My visions are worse than Bianca's ego." Her comment prompted Thing to sign some more gesture. "Not to agree with Thing but he's right. You've came this far, might as well ask the professional's opinion." (Y/N) sided with Thing.

"I would rather have the same hair colour as Enid's than asking my mother for help." Wednesday walks away from them continuing her investigation. "Seems to me that you're scare." (Y/N) says gaining attention from Wednesday again.

"Don't test me right now (Y/N). You're just a witness in case the monster shows up. Otherwise makes yourself useful." Wednesday looked at him clearly offended by the remarks. "Hmph." (Y/N) let out a sigh before turning his attention to Thing besides him who's softly touching the wood blocks.

"Fine. You want prove. Here." Wednesday begins touching the pillars scattered across the place proving her point to both of them. "Come on. Let's go. I got a performance I need to attend." Wednesday head for the entrance ready to leave. (Y/N) follow her from behind with Thing on his shoulder.

As her hand reached the cold wood, her head shot up causing her to fall. (Y/N) managed to catch the girl who seems to be losing consciousness in his arms. "Hey! Wednesday! What's going on?" He asks Thing in his panic mode. Thing make some sign signaling the Wednesday visions has began.

(Y/N) take Wednesday's bag off her and use it as a pillow supporting her head after laying her down in the middle of the place. "So I'm supposed to just wait for her to wake up?" Thing gives (Y/N) a thumbs up. "I can't believe this." (Y/N) tilted his head upwards looking at the cloud above them. "Seems to me that it's about to rain." He looked down at the severed hand who's beside his master.

"I'm gonna go back and grab me some umbrella. You think you can looked after her for bit?" Thing gives him a thumbs up again. (Y/N) ran out the place going in the direction of the town.

After some distance, (Y/N) heard a growl. Turning his head towards the direction of the voice, his eyes lit wide open.

The monster was rushing towards him at full speed tackle him on to the ground. (Y/N) still dazed by the sudden attack looked up to see his assailant. The monster slowly crept towards him. (Y/N) calmed himself, taking a large deep breath while he was staring at the abomination in front of him.

Unnoticed by the monster, (Y/N) right hand which is blocked by his body from the monster's view is grabbing the dirt and leaves on the ground. As the monster's face comes closer just several inches away from his, (Y/N) bring his right hand forwards throwing the scrapped that was gathered towards the monster's large eyes.

The monster begin to scream covering it's face with the abnormally large arm. As (Y/N) gets up and ready to make dash, the monster swing it's large deformed right hand at his direction. Knowing that it's too late to dodge, (Y/N) raised his right arm in retaliation, the monster's sharp claw came into contact with his right arm slashing the sleeve.

Blood begins oozing out of his right arm causing him to panic. (Y/N) managed to dodge another swing from the monster's left hand and running away retreating. The monster makes chase at the male, coming in front of him blocking his path soon after.

(Y/N) stand there looking at the monster's big eyes, his left hand grabbing his bloodied right arm. The monster raised it's big right hand and side swing (Y/N)'s whole body sending him several feet away hitting his head hard against one of the tree. "Wednesday..." (Y/N) softly whispered before he gives in to his injuries and eventually passed out.

Part 8 is here. People always said 'Don't be a hero'.

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