Chapter 2

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Little White Lies- One Direction

Tia Perrish

"Did you see the new kid?"

"The new kid?" I asked her in return.

"Yeah, you know the one with the long blonde hair with the blue highlights and that really creepy, spiky, yet really cool blue backpack, I mean her look practically screamed look at me! Don't tell me that you didn't see her!"

"Oh, you mean Cassie, the girl in my physics class, yeah she was sitting behind me so I didn't really get a good look at her but I saw her walking out and seriously, that backpack could have stabbed me to death." We laughed while entering the parking lot of our favorite after school diner, JB's. It was one of our favorite places to go get fat whilst depressing ourselves with school work. We would just spend hours in the corner booth just studying, laughing, singing, listening to music and just being us.

We walked across the lot and made our way inside, and automatically made our way to our usual booth which was always surprisingly empty. We started to look at the menu which was pointless because we always end up getting the same thing.

"Have we decided yet?" I looked up to see a sort of familiar face staring down at us whilst loudly chewing gum. It took me a moment before realizing that the girl in front of me was Monster-Spike-Backpack-Cassie. This was actually the first time that I looked at her properly from the front. She looked like a very annoyed Ashley Benson and from the way she was furiously chomping her gum one could tell that she was clearly annoyed to be working.

She cleared her throat breaking me from what seemed like an hour long trance. I looked over to Mel who clearly had been staring too. We quickly gave her our order for cheesy fries and burgers and started getting out our textbooks preparing ourselves for a depressing two-to-three hours of studying.

"So what do you think of her?" Mel asked.

"I don't know, she just seems like a really annoyed person, I mean, she does not even smile." I suddenly came to the realization that this was the second time that Mel had asked me about Cassie.

"No reason, it's we rarely get any new kids at school during the middle of the school year, and you know I wanted to you know just have a little fun gossip, you know like when we used to watch Bachelor to make fun of the contestants." As she spoke I realized that she sounded nervous, it was as if she was hiding something, but this was my best friend that I was judging, I had no reason to be suspicious.

As I looked over to Cassie who was busy slaving away in the kitchen, yet from time to time she would give a glance towards Mel and I and immediately I felt that pang of suspicion which I had just moments ago put aside, return.

As we continued to study, write notes and do homework I noticed that Mel and Cassie exchanged glances here and there. As much as I did not want to suspect of my best friends, I couldn't help the insecure thoughts that were creeping up in my mind.


Soooo..... here it is Chapter 2 of Betrayed. I don't know if the pictures are coming up but here is the URL of the backpack that I imagine Cassie's would look like:

I know that the songs at the beginning of each chapter are confusing but at the end it will become clear. As well, this is not going to be a long story around 10-15 chapters but I am still not sure (I am kind of still in the middle of planning) haha, Love ya xx

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