Chapter 1

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! TRIGGER WARNING! – Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, death, abandon issues

  Mu Qing has always been seen as a cold, ignorant and awful person. People makes rumors that no one knows if they are real or fake, but they believe them.
  “What are you looking at, asshole?” Mu Qing said to Feng Xin, of course they fight, it’s not a day that they don’t fight “Now why am I the bad guy? I’m not allowed to look at you?” Feng Xin said in a annoyed voice
  “Who do you think you are to look at me?” Mu Qing snapped at him
  “Look! That’s why no one like you! We’re not even allowed to look at you!” Mu Qing face drop instantly and he started breathing hard and just ran away.
  Feng Xin stayed still and confused ‘Did he always reacted that way? He normally came and punched me…’ Feng Xin decided to ignore what happen and leave.
  ‘It’s past midnight and I’m scared of falling sleep… I need someone… Anyone…’ Mu Qing tought. His fear is not the sleep itself, but more is the dreams that he has, he suffer from depression for more than 400 years, he can’t tell anyone because they are the reason of his depression.
  “Is everyone here? Can we start the meeting?” Ling Wen said sleepy “Well General Qi Ying is not here as always but that dosen’t matter, so yeah we’re fine” Pei Ming said is an instant
  “Wait, where’s Mu- General Xuan Zhen ?” Feng Xin said confused and everyone look around
  “He’s not here… I think something intervine and he couldn’t make it” Ling Wen said to calm everyone down.
  “Finally he’s absent” One of the generals said “He’s always against us”
“Yeah, he’s so moody”
“He’s ruining the mood”
“Just like a gloomy cat”
The Officials protested ‘Gloomy cat? Hah, really’ Feng Xin thought
“Ahem! Can we start now?” Ling Wen said calmly
“General! General!” one of the guards called
“Who is it?” Mu Qing said without opening the door
“It’s Jiu Xiang, General” Jiu Xiang respond politely
“Oh, it’s you A’Xiang, come in” He said opening the door for her to come in.
“What happened?” Mu Qing said concerned
“Well, General Nan Yang asked me to tell him if you are alright.. He sounded concerned” Jiu Xiang said also very concerned
“Hah, Feng Xin? Concerned? Hahaha! That’s funny! HE NEVER CARED ABOUT THAT SHIT! THAT’S BULLSHIT!” Mu Qing said annoyed and Jiu Xiang left
  “He never cared so why would he stop one of my descipline to tell her that… What’s he planning? Fuck… I didn’t relaxed for a while… It’s my fucking fault… He has a fiancée, I’m a noone… I wanna die… Feng Xin… I miss you…” he plopped in his bed and started crying
  ~Midday ~
Ling Wen is making her job silently until Feng Xin come in out of blue
“ Ling Wen! “He said hurried
“ What happened, General Nan Yang? “ she said sleepy as always
“ Do you have any news from Mu Qing? I asked his personal guard to ask him if he’s fine” Feng Xin said concerned
“General, if you are that concerned, why aren’t you giving him visit?” Ling Wen said tired, tired of him most probably, Feng Xin was give her a look that could kill someone
“Who said that I’m concerned? I’m just… I don’t have anyone to beat up” and he left angry
‘I’m concerned? Never! And he knows it… But is he alright tho?’ Feng Xin thought of himself, maybe it wasn’t something bad, maybe he was just moody as always, maybe he was lazy, maybe he… he was slepping…
  It’s a new day and the generals have an outside meeting, wich means Ling Wen is more tired than ever.
  Everyone was here, except from Mu Qing… - Quan Yizhen was here as well – ‘He’s absent again… Ah Fuck him! I don’t care’ Feng Xin thought silently
  Just as they wanted to start the meeting, Mu Qing comes in
“Sorry I’m late” he said in a cool voice that made everyone angry
“General Xuan Zhen, what happened yesterday?” one of them asked annoyed
“I-…. I had something to do” he answered hurried
“ Fuck it! I can’t stand you anymore! You’re so moody and annoying that I’m gonna go crazy!” an old General said “You are a no one that was lucky to ascend”
Mu Qing hearing that his anxiety couldn’t be controlled anymore and he start trembling and couldn’t breath,
He felt like he was suffocating, Feng Xin seeing his reaction got concerned
Feng Xin remembered what he said to Mu Qing the other day… He ran at him and hugged him” I’m sorry “he whispered in Mu Qing’s ear, Mu Qing hugged him back while he was sobbing
“ Shhhh… It’s alright… I’m here…Let’s get you out of here… “ Feng Xin said and walked with Mu Qing to his Palace” I’m coming as well, wait a bit “ Pei Ming said worried about leaving Mu Qing alone with Feng Xin
  Arrived at the palace they put him in his chamber, it was pretty dark in there and Pei Ming wanted to open the blinds but he heard Mu Qing scream” No! Don’t open them! I don’t like to much light “ Pei Ming nodded and sat beside him, Mu Qing started calming down which was good but he still was trembling from the shock
“ Pei Ming, come with me to get some medicine to calm him “ Feng Xin said and Pei Ming sat up and nod, Mu Qing didn’t actually liked the ideea of them leaving him in this state, and he was struggling to say something “N-no…I….” Feng Xin looked at him with a smile and left
He was alone, again, are they gonna come back? Are they like everyone else? What was he thinking? He’s weak, he hate that they had to see him like this… He stayed in his bed with his chin on his knees and repeating the same words “Feng Xin… Where are you? Don’t abandon me… Don’t leave… Feng Xin… Feng Xin…. Don’t leave me… I’m sorry, just don’t leave me… Feng Xin…” Feng Xin and Pei Ming entered when they heard the murmur from his room
When Mu Qing saw them back he jumped and hugged Feng Xin” Whao! Easy, A’Qing” Feng Xin said hugging him back, but he saw that Mu Qing wasn’t let go and he said “ Hey, it’s okay… Something happened?” Mu Qing hold even tighter and start sobbing, Pei Ming’s face fell, he never saw Mu Qing like this
  “Don’t…dont leave me…” Mu Qing said between sobbs, Feng Xin patted his head and whispered in a low voice “Okay, I’ll never leave you alone, I promise”
  Mu Qing calmed down and let go, he sat down on his bed, looking in the void not saying anything
  Feng Xing let out a little sigh and sat beside him “Mu Qing” he called and no response “Mu Qing?” still no response, why did Mu Qing not answering…? “Qing-er?” and Mu Qing snapped to reality and blushing looking at Feng Xin, he lowered his head still blushing
  Feng Xin wanted to laugh but couldn’t “Mu Qing? You alright? I thought you would die! Here take the medicine” Feng Xin said, Mu Qing looked at him and took the medicine
  Pei Ming let out a sigh and said “Xua Zh- no, Mu Qing, are you scared of being alone?” Mu Qing shook his head
  “No, I have some past issues…” Mu Qing answered with his head lowered, Feng Xin get up from the bed and hugged Mu Qing again, he couldn’t do this anymore “Mu Qing… I can’t see you hurt, I feel like I’m the one hurt… So please if you ever have troubles just call me, come after me, I’ll help you” Feng Xin said and Mu Qing stayed frozen, he couldn’t say anything, he just hugged him back and thanked him
  Feng Xin lost control for a moment and broke the hug, he grabbed Mu Qing’s waist with his left hand and with his right hand he lift up his chin and kissed him
  Mu Qing was in absolut shock, Feng Xin broke the kiss and said “Oh, I’m sorry! I lost control and I didn’t thin-“ he got cut of by Mu Qing kissing him but this time he will not let him go
  Pei Ming smiled and slowly left without being saw
  Feng Xin pinned him on the bed without breaking the kiss, and it deepened more and more” F-Feng Xin… I can’t….breathe”Mu Qing said under his breath but Feng Xin kissed him back without a word
  He stopped for a sec and asked “Are you sure you’re okay with this? Do you want to stop? Because after I’m not gonna ask again” Feng Xin said seeing that Pei Ming is long gone
  “I’m okay… You can do whatever you want to me, I’ll not resist” Mu Qing said turning his head on the side. Feng Xin smiled and slowly places kisses everywhere he could…
    .   .   .
Pei Ming was with Ling Wen and talking about yesterday “But do you think that Xua Zhen deserved what happened yesterday?” Ling Wen asked out of curiosity
  “No. But surely was in his avantage” Pei Ming said grinning “Oh, Feng Xin! How was yesterday?” Feng Xin approached them and looked a bit embarrassed
  “Nothing… Was normal what do you mean…?” Feng Xin said looking even more embarrassed
  Pei Ming saw some hickeys on Feng Xin’s neck and immediately understand what happened and smirked at the look and turned to Ling Wen “You know what happen, don’t you?”
Ling Wen sighed and said “General Nan Yang, The Emperor’s looking for you and Xua Zhen, he looked upset”
Feng Xin looked a bit woried but nod and activate Mu Qing’s communication array “Mu Qing, The Emperor is looking for us, you should come there”
  “Sure, I’ll be there in a minute” Mu Qing responded instantly and change in his robes, and left
  “Your Majesty, we’ve come, something happened?” Feng Xin said as he and Mu Qing entered
Jun Wu looked at them, he was upset for some reason, and said in a harsh voice “I want every Heavenly Official here and their deputies, is Xianle can make it here he should, it’s very important”
  Feng Xin was pretty pissed at his tone, but he ignored it
  After a while, everyone was there, every person in Heaven, even Xie Lian was there
  “Now that everyone is here I invite Xua Zhen here in front of me” Jun Wu said aproaching the crowd
  Mu Qing did as he was ordered and approach the Emperor
  Feng Xin and the others were a bit confused about that but it let it slide
  Jun Wu approached Mu Qing and grab his hand wrist looked in his eyes and Mu Qing felt hurt and weak
  “Y-Your Majesty… What is-“ Mu Qing stopped and looked at his wrists, he understood instantly what it was “ YOUR HIGHNESS, WHY DID YOU SEALED MY SPIRITUAL POWERS?” Mu Qing snapped almost crying. Has he done something that was worth sealing his powers?
  “General Xua Zhen, you and Nan Yang are both on the South, and I though that one it’s enough and I will get rid of one that is in plus. Say your goodbyes, Mu Qing, you’ll get banished after” Jun Wu said and everyone was shocked, some annoyed some happy, as he was hated because of his temper
  “ Your Highness! Please, please reconsider! They just start getting along after years!” Xie Lian snapped scared
  “Xianle, this doesn’t concern you” Jun Wu said emotionless and Xie Lian started tearing up
“Then… Banish me… I have nothing else to say” Mu Qing said looking around
  “We finally get rid you, no one can stand you” one of the Heavenly Officials said
  Jun Wu said nothing and banished Mu Qing for good, just like he did to Yin Yu
  “You son of bitch… You enjoy banishing people, don’t you?” Quan Yizhen said annoyed and mad. What happened to Yin Yu made him mad, and the Emperor did it again “There are people that care for him! What if something happens to him like happened to my shixiong? Do you think that these people will forgive you?” Jun Wu didn’t care and left
  “Qi Ying, be happy that we got rid of him, Yin Yu is having his time, Mu Qing is gonna die most probably, hopefully. Hahaha!” that  General said and left
  Xie Lian was frozen, Jun Wu banished Mu Qing without any good reasons…
  Feng Xin left without saying a thing, he was annoyed, upset, sad, but he couldn’t do anything…

Silver and Black Flowers| Fengqing Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя