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Resting her head onto JJ's chest, her body comfortably laying spread out on top of his, a blanket to capture the warmth of their bodies. Listening to the crashing of waves onto the sand all while the section right in between "The Cut" and "Figure8" began to slowly wake up, the sun peaking through as the blue tint began lighten up.

The scent of weed and each other's scent mixed together that complimented each other well. JJ exhaling smoke from his lips, then to pass the almost dead joint to MJ who laid comfortably onto him, taking the joint from his fingers to sit up and straddle his waist to avoid burning ash to fallonto him.

JJ admiring how MJ fluttered her eyes shut as she inhaled the fumes of weed into her lungs, how beautifully she ghosted the smoke back into her mouth, throwing her head back to exhale the smoke into the air. JJ in awe of her, sitting up to sneak his hands to rub and rest them onto her hips.

A smile prawning onto her lips as she looked down to meet her red low eyes with JJ's, both of their blown out blue pupils staring into each other as MJ wrapped her acrylic French tipped hands to rest on his neck and across his cheek/jawline, leaning down to tease him from kissing him.

"Tease." JJ whispered growled, eyes fixing to her lips then back at her eyes.

"No idea what you're talking about." MJ whispered before inching closer hovering right over his lips, JJ gapping his mouth open as he grew more impatient, lingering over his lips to lick a stripe of his bottom lip, JJ instantly groaning at the sensation that threw him off edge to he himself sneak his way to clash his lips with MJ's, nothing but teeth and tongue their bodies burning with their touch, hearts beating rapidly together.

"Come surfing with me later." JJ said at her as he pulled away to stare into her eyes.

"Wow Maybank. What happened to the whole "I hate you but fuck in private" attitude?" MJ raised her eyebrow at him, still comfortably sitting his lap.

"Relax princess it's not like I'm asking for your hand in marriage. Surf with me."

"I can't."

"Yes you can, just tell your parents you're doing your little cheer thing that you do." JJ smirked positioning himself to lean on the palms of his hands.

"No JJ, I can't because I don't...I don't know how to surf."

"You gotta be joking sweetheart." JJ scoffed starting to work into a laugh before watching MJ's expression stare at him blankly.

"You're not joking." JJ quickly realized looking into her serious eyes. "You live right by the beach on Figure 8 and you're telling me you've never learned to surf?" JJ's lips started to turn into a smile that was being forced to hide, making it impossible for him to retain his seriousness.

"I didn't have anyone to teach me." MJ sighed shurgging her shoulders as she climbed out of JJ's lap, sitting beside him underneath the warmth of her white fauxed blanket, knees buried into her chest. "Topper learned, but instead chose to surf 24/7 with Rafe and Kelce." She admitted to him, shrugging her shoulders at her confession.

"Good thing you're fucking the best surfer in OuterBanks. You. Me. That Ocean. Sunset." JJ announced hooded lids as his focus was brought back to the pink plump lips of MJ's.

"And what if someone sees us J." MJ sighed, a frown wanting to escape from her lips, their usual thing, the most common thing for them. Secrecy.

"Who cares, all we're gonna be doing is surfing...Right?" JJ smirked as he finished on his sentence making MJ playfully shove his jaw away.

"Yeah right." MJ scoffed "We both know you can't go 5 minutes without being touchy feely."

"Is that a challenge?"

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