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WARNINGS: SMUTTY. Oral Recieving (both M&F). Fingering. Sex Tape/Recording🙂 (yeah baby WE WENT THERE.) Praise. P in V. Unprotected Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT) Overstimulation. Cockwarming. 

I think that's it lmk if I missed any hehe.

*Not Proofread bc It's 3.5K plus words and don't feel like doing it LMAO*


MJ tossed and turned all night, unable to find any comfort in her cooled silk white sheets. All she could hear is constant vibrations coming from her phone, she knew it had to be JJ trying to apologize to her or the group chat trying to catch some sort of communication with her. Choosing to ignore it and try to attempt to sleep once more.

Taking a deep breath of air in hopes to calm her down, she slowly fluttered her eyelids shut, slowly starting to fall into a deep sleep until continuous quiet, but loud knocks were being slammed against the window of MJ's balcony door.

Groaning in frustration, her body having its mind of its own and jolting up to go and swing open the door. Not realizing who or what could be banging on her door.

"WHAT?" MJ groaned as she swung open the door, only to meet her blue eyes with another pair of bright blue ones, gasping lightly as she stood in intimidating silence between her and JJ.

"You weren't answering me. I have been trying to talk to you since this morning M." JJ sighed at her, MJ dropping her gaze to attempt to shut the door on him but JJ willingly stopping her act by putting his combat boot in the doorway.

"If I'm not "special",  why do you care if I answered you or not." MJ mumbled quietly still avoiding his eyes.

"You are special! I-I like what we have going on and I just, I went to far with what I said." JJ slightly raised his tone, pressing his chest against the door frame, hearing nothing but crickets chirping in the darkness of figure 8.

MJ, allowed herself to look until his eyes, both of their eyes glistening in the moonlight and dim lights of MJ's balcony. Taking in a deep breath before exiting her bedroom out onto her balcony, standing in silence with JJ, his figure hunching over her despite their height difference.

The scent of JJ's cologne mixed with his own pheromones of sweat that created a sweet mixture to MJ's nose, his scent alone was something that was craveable. Looking in his eyes to see that he truly was sincere, his eyes pleading at MJ to forgive him.

MJ was pissed, of course she was. It wasn't fair to be his punching bag every chance he got. MJ didn't know what it was it was like a magnetic push to be so attracted to JJ, her body was burning for his touch, her nose wanted more of his scent, and god, her lips needed to dance with his.

"Show me." Was all MJ whispered before JJ dipped his head in to brush his lips right over MJ's, their noses lightly rubbing at their tips. Sharing a hot breath before JJ cupped her cheek, his thumb resting on her cheekbone gliding his calloused thumb lightly against its sharpness.

"My special Kook." JJ whispered in there shared hot breath, before allowing himself to softly place his lips against MJ's soft pink ones. Both groaning against each other's lips as they longed for the taste of them.

JJ deepening the kiss as he trailed his rough hands down slowly MJ's waist, once settling on her hips he squeezed them tightly to push her firmly against the balcony door, the cold glass of its window opening, sending goosebumps on MJ's back. Exploring each others mouths with their tongues, the combination of each others saliva filling them with ecstasy and bliss.

Whimpering against JJ's lips that trailed down to her neck to focus on that one specific spot that rested between the crook of her neck to her collar bone, a spot only JJ knew of, the warm sensation of his tongue licking and sucking to make sure a visible mark will be shown.

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