Everyone freezes up, remembering the connection those two had. Father and son, one a smuggler, and another a dark side apprentice.

Anakin gazes sympathetically at Han, unsure of how he would feel if Luke were to be a Sith or dark Side user. And then to realize this is his own grandson makes him groan angrily.

"I hope Han makes it out all right," Anakin says in concern. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and the majority of the other Jedi nod in agreement, although Mace is indifferent, finding other matters more pressing in this moment.

Han looks at his son with a tortured storm of feelings. WE'RE WITH KYLO REN as he resumes his hunt. He heads directly toward WHERE HAN IS HIDING! Kylo Ren has an INCREASING SENSE OF HAN'S PRESENCE as he moves closer. He comes to where Han was hiding - but HAN IS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN. From his hiding place in a narrow, POWER CHAMBER in the wall,


"How does he not notice him?" Ahsoka asks in genuine surprise, yet also release.

"Deep conflict, I sense in the apprentice," Yoda states with a frown.

"Conflict how Master?" Mace asks in confusion.

"Torn between the light and the dark, I feel him to be." Yoda replies evenly, gazing at Kylo Ren.

Han SHIFTS HIS POSITION in the tight compartment, so he can watch Ren's progress. Kylo Ren turns onto a FLAT BRIDGE THAT BISECTS the open space. Unaware of his father, Kylo Ren walks purposefully across to the opposite side. Han watches his son walk off - the CLANK- CLANK of Kylo Ren's boots receding.

"He's very oblivious I must say," Master Fisto remarks.

This is Han's opportunity to escape but Leia's words echo through his mind. He makes a decision and moves out, to the edge of the catwalk. He calls out, strongly:

HAN: Ben!

Everyone stills, the air extremely tense right now. Anakin's heart practically stops, as he watches the confrontation with wide eyes. He recalls his daughter's words to Han and hopes he can get through to him.

Mace is unsure of what to think, but he doubts this will work.

The name ECHOES as Kylo Ren STOPS, far across the vast catwalk. He turns.

KYLO REN: Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

There is no sound in the Council chambers as they all watch the scene intensely. Ahsoka is worried for Han's well-being, and Obi-Wan is as well.

Anakin starts to understand more of the emotional conflict that Han is going through, and a little bit of his grandson as well. Han made a promise to Leia, the woman he loved to save their son from the dark side. It's so similar to his own promise to his mother, that everything will be alright and that they would see each other again, that his heart begins to close up. He doesn't want Han to experience the same emotional pain that he did.

Finn and Rey make their way into the space, opening a HATCH that allows A BEAM OF PRECIOUS SUNLIGHT to stream down like a spotlight on Han and his son. Finn and Rey get to a railing and look down. They can SEE and HEAR Han and Kylo Ren on the catwalk below.

HAN: Take off that mask. You don't need it.

KYLO REN: What do you think you'll see if I do?

Han moves toward Kylo Ren.

HAN: The face of my son.

Yoda studies the scene with a frown, contemplating what is happening. Leia Organa believed that her son could be redeemed, not from a Jedi, but from his father. However this contradicts what the Jedi have learned for millennia. Were they... wrong?

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