Rathtar's and Gangs

Start from the beginning

HAN: There's one.

REY: What are you gonna do?

HAN: Same thing I always do: talk my way out of it.


Ahsoka laughs, understanding what Chewbacca was saying.

"What'd he say Snips?" Anakin asks.

"He said that he can't talk his way out of it to save his life." Ahsoka grins in amusement, Anakin shaking his head in exasperation. Yoda chuckles in amusement.

HAN: Yes, I do. Every time.


A PORTAL opens. The GUAVIAN DEATH GANG enters. One man in a SUIT (BALA-TIK), and five SECURITY SOLDIERS in badass UNIFORMS with ROUND-FACE HELMETS. They turn into and stop at one end of the corridor. Han, Chewie and BB-8 forty feet away in the middle of the long hall.

BALA-TIK: Han Solo. You are a dead man.

"Someone isn't happy." Obi-Wan says with a raised eyebrow.

Han smiles innocently, friendly. BB-8 nervously looks back and forth at the gang, and Han.

HAN: Bala-Tik. What's the problem?

BALA-TIK: The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job.

Anakin whistles. That's a lot of money.


They look up, trying to get a view.

REY: Can you see them?


They start crawling down the crawl space.

BALA-TIK: I heard you also borrowed fifty thousand from Kanjiklub.

HAN: You know you can't trust those little freaks! How long've we known each other?

"Stalling. An effective method in some cases." Master Mundi says.

"This could be interesting." Obi-Wan says, a slight upturn on his lips from amusement.

Rey and Finn arrive under the gang. They WHISPER:

REY: They have blasters...

FINN: A lot of 'em.

We RISE THROUGH THE FLOOR to see the GANG and Han and company in the distance.

BALA-TIK: The question is how much longer will we know each other? Not long. We want our money back now.

"Well not in this case. That guy is out for blood." Anakin says.

"I think he could work this is with the right arrangements," Obi-Wan tells Anakin with a frown.

Anakin scoffs. "Yeah well Han isn't the "Great Negotiator" so it's not going to work."

"Oh do hush Anakin you never know what could happen." Obi-Wan responds. Ahsoka rolls her eyes at the banter between the two.

HAN: Ya think hunting Rathtar's is cheap? I spent that money.

BALA-TIK: Kanjiklub wants their investment back, too.

HAN: I never made a deal with Kanjiklub!

BALA-TIK: Tell that to Kanjiklub.

The SOUND of a PORTAL OPENING. Han's face GOES WHITE as he turns to the OTHER END OF THE CORRIDOR, where KANJIKLUB MEMBERS APPEAR. A GANG in a MEDIEVAL BANDITO style. Han smiles uncomfortably at the Kanjiklub members. Its LEADER, TASU LEECH, out front. Han tries to play it off:

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