Anyway, over time, Ghost became aware of your attachment to König, as König became aware of your new attachment to Ghost. König is described in the book as very intuitive, emphatic, and able to read others well, and this is no exception to his childhood best friend. He picked up quickly that you had developed feelings for Ghost in the short time you knew him.

Through the events that took place in Austria, subconsciously, Ghost and König began to accept each other despite the initial animosity and hostility between the two, and they did so purely out of love and desire for the reader. At some point, both Ghost and König became aware of their mutual acceptance, and thus initiated the hotel scene. ;)

After this, [Y/N] spoke to König about how she truly felt about him, and how she felt the same way for Ghost. König accepted this and conveyed to her that he understood her love for both of them, and that it was okay to accept both the black swan and the white swan versions of herself.

Later, though I did not write the conversation in the book, [Y/N] came to see Ghost alone in the hotel room, and discussed with him the exact same thing. He, like König, understood, and [Y/N], from there, felt like she was allowed to love both of them, and herself all at the same time.

Ugh stop it's so sweet when I actually write it here 🥲🥲

But anyway, the general concept of this book is pretty simple. To each of us, there is a dark and light part of ourselves, and instead of fighting to be one, we should allow ourselves to be both. I plan on reintroducing this concept to some of my future books, for instance, my new Harry Potter book.

And now...

[constructive criticism]

Now we're getting into the nitty gritty. The writing. The structure. The pacing. This is basically where I look at my general writing in this book and point out what I can improve upon in the next one.

My writing in this book is one of the best I've done so far. It's just as descriptive as it is action-packed, not too much one or the other. I've always struggled with packing too many words inside of one page or chapter, and I think I've genuinely began to improve upon that with this book.

The only thing I wish I would have done in this book is make interactions between characters more realistic. This a fictional universe, so I was able to be a little flexible with it, but I wish I could've paced Ghost and [Y/N]'s relationship a little slower. The only reason I did not, however, is because I really didn't want to drag out this book. I wanted it to be short and sweet all in one. I think I did pretty okay, considering the circumstances, but next time, I want a little more slowburn.

Fair warning, I am fifteen-years-old, and have been that age since I wrote this book. I began writing when I was about eleven-years-old, so my writing has improved a lot since then. The reason I bring up my age is because I want to acknowledge to myself and make my readers aware that I am not very knowledgeable of real-life scenarios, conversations, interactions, relationships, etc. — let me rephrase that, not very knowledgeable of adult affairs. This is why interactions and relationships in this book may be a little cheesy or corny. This is only something I can get better with as I get older.

I planned this book very well, and I am proud of myself for that. Very little chapters were unplanned, if maybe one or two. Everything else was written down and outlined. I'll actually show you guys all my notes for this book below !!

I couldn't really fit it all on here lol, so I edited it on Instagram

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I couldn't really fit it all on here lol, so I edited it on Instagram. They're probably all out of order too but wtv 😭


In conclusion, this book is a work I am very proud of. I put a lot of effort into it and I genuinely had a lot of fun writing it. I had even more fun reading your guys' comments as I went through and reread some of my own chapters.

So, again, I want to thank you all for reading and for commenting and for voting, and thank you guys so so much for reading black swan <3


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