chapter 3

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His words caught you off guard for a moment, but you gradually felt fury boil in your blood.

"Liar! You don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"You don't know that I'm lying."

"Tu ne sais pas que je peux te tuer ici et maintenant?"

He cracked his neck and stared you down heavily through his lashes. In a raspy, low accented voice he replied, "Ne sais-tu pas que je te tue en premier?"

You raise your brows for a quick second. "You speak French?"

"A little," he responded in his thick, rich British accent.

"Enough bullshit, Ghost," you said. "What is it you lot really want with me?" You glared at the team surrounding you in contempt. "I have nothing to do with this 'Hassan' you speak of. I was helping a friend. That's all."

"Do you want to know the information we have on this König guy?" The one with the Mohawk and Scottish accent said.

Despite another man talking to you, you narrowed your eyes on Ghost and predatorily looked him up and down.

After hearing your silence, Ghost finished the Scottish one's sentence.

"Then you'll answer our questions." He approached you similarly to how the American one did earlier, resting his hands on the armrests of the chair. Your heart danced in your chest, unnerved by his presence. You were fairly tall, I mean, you even took ballet when you were younger, but he towered over you in this position.

You wouldn't let your guard down. Your eyes bored into him through your long, voluminous black eyelashes, uninterested yet unmoving. He looked right back, his eyes intense and cold.

"Tell me where König is first."

Ghost stepped back. "First we need to know if we can trust you."

"What the fuck do you even mean?"

He glanced behind him to the one with the mohawk, then to Alejandro and the American one. They all either nodded, or stared back in agreement. It's like they were speaking some sort of eye-language you could not understand.

Ghost hovered over you, his presence weighing on your conscious. "Who do you work for?"

Caught in a dilemma, you sigh, lick your lips, and roll your eyes around, debating whether or not you should say it.

I need to see him again.

"German Special Forces."

Ghost glances back once more, and then back to you.

"Why were they helping El Sin Nombre?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie," he said impatiently under his breath.

"I wasn't necessarily lying," you replied, annoyed. "El Sin Nombre wanted us to eliminate a target—" you looked briefly to Alejandro, "—in return, she would give German Special Forces information."

"What kind of information?" The American joined in.

You gave him a look of distaste, whispering "connard" under your breath before replying curtly, "On how to stop a terrorist group invading Vienna."


"Yes," you said.

The American looked at Ghost and Alejandro wordlessly. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down visibly. "We weren't aware there was terrorism happening all the way in Austria."

"Well now you know," you spat. "Can you give me what I want now please?"

"Is that all German Special Forces was doing?" Alejandro asked. "Just trying to get information?"

"Oui," you replied shortly.

There was a silence for a moment as you scanned the room. You felt a heavy tension suffocating the small enclosure as you observed each man's expression — they were thinking, and it all seemed to be the same thing.

You smiled knowingly, lifting your head and readjusting to a more comfortable position in the chair. "Hm... You think your terrorist 'Hassan' has something to do with what's going on in Austria. You could be right."

"We are right, dammit," the American growled. He looked gravely at his team, pacing around the room, visibly plagued with frustration. "There's a missile in Austria. That's why they're there. They're guarding it."

Your eyes widened, shock washing over you. "What? A missile?"

The American ignored you and walked up to you quickly, his eyes erratic and his movements rushed. "What more do you know about the terrorists in Austria?"

You let your guard down a bit, realizing quickly that you and your captors are on the same side. "There's about a hundred of them stationed around Vienna right now. They've got weapons, but nothing hard to handle."

"They're Hassan's men," the American huffed. "We need to find that missile and two others."

"At least we know where one is," Alejandro added.

You began to grow impatient. You felt sweaty and dirty, your wrists were itching in your restraints and it was hot as hell in the small chamber in which you were encased in. "I need my information, garçons," you chimed in aggressively.

"You want your information?" the American said. "You're with us."

"What?" you spat.

"Help us find that missile. We can work with German Special Forces to navigate Vienna and disarm it," he continued.

"Are you insane, cabron? She tried to kill me!" Alejandro yelled.

"We need her," the American replied. "Shepherd will agree."

"She could be working with Valeria. She could be lying!"

"Well we haven't talked to Sin Nombre yet, so I guess we'll find out," the American said in response, walking hastily out of the chamber. Alejandro looked at you menacingly, and then followed him out. This left you with only the one with the mohawk and Ghost.

"I didn't agree to this," you said quickly, French accent slurring your words.

"Doesn't matter," Ghost said. "We'll talk to your commander and see if we can get him on board."

"What if he says no?"

"We'll kill you, ma chéri."

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