He turned to see a man in a suit and realized that he was Kakarot the mercenary, as he had heard and investigated about him.

Goku: "Not bad, Man of Steel, but I'll take it from here."

Superman: "He's not very powerful . Go!" (he said, sounding worried).

Doomsday attacked Goku with a powerful blow, but something astonishing happened. Goku stopped the attack with just one finger.

Goku: "Don't worry, this weakling can't defeat me."

Batman: "Did he say weak?" (he said, not looking surprised).

Wonder Woman: "Yes, that's what he said." (She could feel the energy of a god emanating from Goku, but it seemed limitless to her).

Goku wore a mischievous smile as he gazed at Doomsday and then effortlessly passed through him.

Everyone was shocked, unable to believe how easily Goku had dealt with Doomsday.

Goku: "What a shame, it's already broken," he said, laughing.

He stopped and approached Superman, saying, "Consider it a favor. I want you to face me in the future without holding back."

Superman felt intimidated by the words of the Saiyan and simply nodded.

"Well, lately I've been bored. I think I'll take a vacation to destress, perhaps somewhere far from civilization," Goku said aloud before flying away with a sonic explosion.

Batman approached Superman and asked, "Is he from your race?"

Superman replied, "I don't know, but he's incredibly powerful." (He said it seriously).

Diana (Wonder Woman) continued pondering who that guy was and why he radiated the energy of a god.

With Goku,

He had returned to his apartment to remove his suit and grabbed a bottle of wine. He called out, "Death, can we talk?" At that moment, Death appeared with her characteristic smile and replied, "Yes, of course."

Goku: "I think I'll take a break from this job for a while and go on vacation."

Death: "I see, and where do you plan to go?"

Goku: "Somewhere far from cities, maybe on an island. I'll leave tomorrow. You can find me, right?"

Death: "Of course, but why are you asking?" (She said curiously).

Goku: "Well, I want to talk to you, and you're my best friend."

Death blushed almost imperceptibly, smiled, and said, "Of course," as she hugged Goku, who reciprocated.

"Well, Goku, I must go. See you," Death said.

Goku replied, "Of course, see you."

And just like that, she disappeared.

Goku smiled to himself.

The next day, Goku went about his usual routine—brushing his teeth, eating, and training to maintain his form.

Goku: "I think it's time to go." He looked at his clothes and thought, "It's been a while since I wore a dogi. I'll create a black dogi, similar to Black."

(Sorry if I didn't mention it in the prologue, but Goku can manipulate the energy of creation by 20%).

He flew over the ocean and, after about five minutes, spotted a beautiful, expansive island. Goku remarked, "Hmm, this island might help me relax. But I can sense some strong ki, likely from humans."

It was the island of the Amazons.

Goku landed and skillfully dodged a spear thrown at him. He turned to face the Amazons.

Amazon: "What is a man doing here?"

Goku ignored their hostility and calmly said, "I don't want any trouble. Please don't bother me." (He said it dryly).

The Amazons grew furious and attacked Goku.

Goku sighed and effortlessly incapacitated them with a flick of his finger, leaving only one conscious. He turned to her and said, "Take care of your companions.  They're just unconscious."

At that moment, the other Amazons arrived, led by Queen Hippolyta.

Queen Hippolyta questioned, "What is a man doing here? And why did you attack my Amazons?"

Goku looked at her and replied, "I didn't attack them. They attacked me, and I merely defended myself, leaving them unconscious."

The Queen inquired further, "What brings you to this forbidden place for men?"

Goku gazed at the beautiful island and answered, "I've come here to find some peace and rest from the troubles of the outside world."

Suddenly, a woman named Artemis appeared, wielding a war axe. She declared, "Queen Hippolyta, allow me to fight this man. I'll kill him."

Goku, not wanting to fight, responded, "I have no desire to fight. I came here to relax."

Artemis taunted, "What's the matter? Did you knock out four of my sisters? If you defeat me, you can stay here, and none of my sisters will attack you. I'll even offer myself as the prize."

Goku, finding her confidence intriguing, said, "Well, if they let me stay without attacking, I'll accept your challenge."

Queen Hippolyta approved the fight, and the Amazons formed a circle around Goku and Artemis.

Goku wore a mischievous smile and said, "I don't think this can be avoided."

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