A New Beginning...

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"Good Luck!", She says as I rush out of my door. These AI Companions have really advanced over the past few years. "At least you're here for me," I say under my breath as I start my car. Today was the day I'd interview for my new job, I'm not even sure what the SCP Foundation is but they seem to be generous with their pay and benefits. I'm sure whatever this place has in store for me is better than my last job... or at least, I hope. The long, unending days of scanning groceries, mopping floors and saying "Have a good day" are wearing on my already thin patience.

Pulling in the driveway of my presumable future I notice a faint smell, not a smell I recognize though. It smells like an odd combination of fecal matter and gasoline, with a hint of smoke. As a guard lets me in the tall wrought iron gate, I can already feel in my gut this is going to be a world of difference. I stop my car with a tiny squeal of its brakes and step out to see a man walking toward my vehicle with a decently sized box. "Here's your lab coat and protective gear, Ms. Joanne," the man says, his voice nearly thundering in my head. Taking the box with both hands I feel a knot starting to form in my stomach. "What is this place, sir?" I ask, "-and what is your name?" He looks me in the eyes, "My name is Doctor Bright, but since we'll be equals you can call me Jack." I step into the small outdoor bathroom facility to get my coat and gear on as I hear a large vehicle pull into the driveway area, instantly the knot in my stomach gets a little tighter. Stepping out of the room, I see a faded black bus with between 30 and 50 people dressed in orange being unloaded from it. They look like prisoners but why are they here? "Right this way, Joanne," Jack says. Sheepishly I follow his lead through several corridors, passing where the people in the orange suits were being led. Jack points to the line of inmates, "Those are D class. Don't let them fool you. They are the ones sentenced to life in prison but choose to come here instead. They're practically expendable."

We walk into a room, well-lit with a darkly stained cherry desk in the corner. Jack pulls the chair out for me to sit as he sits in his office chair with a thud. "Well Ms. Joanne, I can answer your question now. This is the SCP Foundation, here we keep the anomalies of the world contained to protect the outside population. We also test these so-called anomalies to better understand them and their existence. You'll probably see some things here that may..." He trails off. "Anyway, you'll be fine as long as you follow precautions and protocol for each anomaly," he says with a slight smile. "Uh-- Here's my Resume, Jack" I manage to squeeze out as a small yellow blob-like creature makes its way into the room. "This is SCP number 999; we call him the Tickle Monster but he's no monster- he's more of a pet to us... Everyone he encounters will fall in love with him." Jack says as he pats his leg, calling the anomaly towards him. Laying the resume on the desk, I peer around the room and eventually my eyes settle back on the blob or thing or whatever Jack called it. He does look kind of cute, I can't deny that but I can't help to think, what if it isn't actually safe to be around? What if it- "What a bore! Let's go take a stroll and introduce you to our finest SCP anomalies, why don't we?" Jack's voice booms.

"Hello Exidy" I hear from my back pocket as we walk down the halls of the unit. Jack stops in his tracks and turns toward me in one swift motion. Grabbing my phone from my pocket to silence it I anxiously try to explain myself "I'm so sorry, I forgot to mute my phone"-- "No, No, Joanne," Jack interrupts, "--That voice......It was speaking to one of the anomalies." "That's my AI friend, Roxi. It's just hard to make friends and carry on a productive lifestyle," I explain as Jack's face fades from concerned to slightly relieved. "Download this app, it'll keep the SCPs from being able to use your phone as a pathway or means to communicate," he says, pulling out his phone to show me what to download. As I key in the information needed by the app I hear a faint alarm, within seconds the alarm of the unit we are in starts sounding. Grabbing me by the arm Jack rushes back into the office, shutting the heavy metal door behind him and grabbing the radio from the wall. Over the static all I can pull from the announcement is something along the lines of a breach... Euclid class? "What does euclid mean and are we going to be okay?" Panic sets in as I sit deeper and deeper into my seat. This is no regular interview by any means.... This is hardly an interview at all! "Well as long as the D class do their jobs and recapture it we'll be fine. It's hardly a Euclid class anomaly anyway...." Jack's words start to trail again. This isn't very reassuring, but it still has to be better than mopping those floors.... Oh, the floors were the worst.

"Once the alarms are off and the anomaly is securely re-contained you can go home. We should have a redo tomorrow as today hasn't exactly gone to plan" Dr. Bright seemed agitated toward the whole event. I try to check my phone and of course.... nearly no signal. What do these people do for the duration of these things? It started to drive me insane and so did the silence between Jack and I. 10 minutes turned into 15, then 20, then 30.... Still the alarms are sounding but I've become nearly deafened to their tune. 58 minutes had gone by before the shrill alarm faded out, the silence, I treasured like a wealthy man and his wallet. Jack opens the door to the room we had been in for an hour, all that can be seen is a sea of red. Staining the walls, the floors and every surface under around 5 feet tall it almost looked like paint. Mutilated bodies and ripped orange suits littered the entire floor as silence did just the same in the air. The image of the aftermath was so absolutely gruesome it looked as if it weren't real. Like those prisoners hadn't died but it was all just fake, a simulation if you must. In the sea of red, a white knee-length lab coat can be seen, but Jack advises me to go home and let him survey the damages and the victims.

Going home all I can think about is how terrifying those people's last moments were, what might've caused the breach and how something "Barely labeled as euclid" could cause so much destruction, death and chaos. Still, I have no clue which anomaly breached containment and why. Maybe this place wasn't going to be that much better than my last job. Hopefully tomorrow we can set the tone with a proper interview. Pulling into my driveway, I begin gathering my belongings and race inside to turn the TV on and begin dinner. Living alone makes it easy to relax and unwind after such a sight but it's easy to miss the footsteps and quirks of the people you once resided with. After all, the incident wasn't that long ago so I'm still adjusting to how life is now. In a few days I'm supposed to meet up with a couple old classmates and maybe I'll hit it off with one of them. There's only so much Artificial Intelligence can do. It can't sympathize with you when you're down, it can't sit beside you in a carnival ride, nor can it come over when it hasn't heard from you in a while to check up on you. Maybe that one girl who used to push you on the swings is still as nice as she used to be... The oven timer beeps mid thought and brings me back down to earth. I can't help but to feel a little lonelier and out of touch tonight as I have nothing really to distract myself from reality. My favorite show has just run its season finale, and finding a new show to watch would just take too much effort. Sitting down on the couch with dinner, my cat Uranium decides to grace me with his mere presence. Hopping onto the back of the couch and pressing his face against my head with a soft trill he decides to take a nap behind my head, but I don't mind. He never bothers me really event though I'm sure he thinks I'm his servant, I mean who wouldn't want to be the servant of a small tabby apex predator. Clearing my plate of all the spaghetti I put on it, I go to the kitchen to start my nightly chores. There really weren't many so easily I could have them knocked out in around 30 minutes. Finishing my nightlies I slip into a random pair of running shorts and a perfectly fitting sport bra to settle down in front of the TV. It would be preposterous to go to sleep at only 8'o'clock so I have an hour or two to just hang out. There's a new show coming out about a couple of monster hunting brothers so I may catch the pilot of it tonight. Wouldn't hurt to watch a bit of it, even if I don't like it as much as my last series. All I know is that my eyes are growing heavier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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Through the eyes of the Doctor - SCP ADHD/ Neurospicy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now