Mum's Cookie Jar

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As she draws closer, her voice quivers with a mixture of nerves and curiosity, "Excuse me, can I help you?"

As the man turns around, revealing his face, Gracie is taken aback by his piercing green eyes, curly brown hair, and beautiful tattoos. "I noticed you returned my present," he says, his voice carrying a mixture of surprise and amusement.

Gracie's jaw drops in utter disbelief as she finds none other than Harry Styles standing on her doorstep

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Gracie's jaw drops in utter disbelief as she finds none other than Harry Styles standing on her doorstep. 

Gracie's heart skips a beat as she locks eyes with Harry Styles, her teenage idol turned timeless fascination. The surge of emotions that consumed her during her high school years comes rushing back, and she can't help but feel that her fangirl spirit is still very much alive. 

A rosy blush creeps up Gracie's face, and her words stumble incoherently as she tries to form a coherent sentence. The sheer presence of Harry Styles leaves her flustered and starstruck, rendering her momentarily speechless. 

Harry Styles gazes at Gracie with a playful smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 

"Looks like you didn't quite fancy the basket, huh? Returning a present isn't exactly the nicest thing to do," he says, his tone teasing yet gentle. 

"But no worries, I've added a few extra surprises for you in there, hoping to win you over. Thought if I brought it personally, you couldn't possibly turn it down," he adds, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes that sends a wave of excitement through Gracie.

Gracie's cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and delight as Harry Styles playfully calls her out. 

She gathers her thoughts, mustering a shy smile before finding her voice. "I... I'm sorry I returning the basket. It was such a thoughtful gesture, and I appreciate the extra gifts," she replies, her words tinged with sincerity. "

And, well, having you personally deliver it is... quite a pleasant surprise, to say the least." A shy giggle escapes her lips, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

Harry Styles chuckles softly, his eyes gleaming with warmth as he takes in Gracie's sincere response. 

"No need to apologize, love. I understand," he replies, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I'm glad you appreciate the surprises. I wanted to make sure you had something special, I felt really bad about the music" He leans in slightly, a playful glimmer in his eyes. 

With a lingering smile, Gracie says her goodbyes to Harry Styles, feeling a flutter of joy in her chest. She enters her apartment, waves a goodbye to him, and closes the door behind her.

Gracie flops onto her couch eager to open the gift basket that Harry Styles had brought. Her eyes widen in delight as she discovers the additional treasures he had included. She uncovers the new additions nestled in the gift basket from Harry. Her eyes widen at the sight of plump green and red grapes, glistening with freshness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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