Chapter 12- I Need You

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Harry's POV:

I got in my car and drove as fast as I could without breaking the speed limit. My eyes were filled with lust, my heart was pumping, my hands gripped the wheel as hard as they could. My mind was focused on one thing and one thing only, Marcel. I needed him, I needed him bad. And I knew he needed me. He always wanted me, I wanna give him everything tonight. I wanna make all his fantasies come true. I wanna be dirty and loving with him, and let him know that he's my baby and I'm his protector. I don't care if we are brothers, we both want this now. And the wrongness of the whole situation just makes it more sick and sweet. I licked my lips as I thought about walking in his room and seeing his fragile, delicate little body laying on his bed crying and whimpering for me, as his helpless body is begging for attention from his brother. I started to get hard just thinking of all of this. I would be in charge tonight, and I will make Marcel feel the most amazing he has ever felt, I will make him want more and more by the time we're done.

I started breathing heavily as I thought about his face when I would spank him over and over just to tease him, how he would whine and whine and act like it hurt but really he was loving every second of it.. and he always wanted more. He is a very naughty boy. He would let me do anything to him if I wanted to.. It was so hot the way he would probably just give it up for me, and I could imagine him letting me use him and do whatever I wanted with him as he lay there sweating and begging for more. I finally got to the house, getting out of the car. I walked fast up to the door and opened it. "Marcel?!" I yelled seductively. No answer. I ran upstairs and slammed open his bedroom door looking for Marcel, he wasn't there. I started to get nervous, thinking the worst. "Marcel where are you?!" I ran into his bathroom to see if he was cutting, he wasn't in there. I looked around and stopped looking when I got to Marcel's window.. it was open. Marcel had run away. He was gone.

I ran my hands through my hair in panic and worry.. Getting tears in my eyes. How could he run away?! Was it all my fault?! Should I have came running after him as soon as he left Louis's, instead of staying to beat the shit out of Louis?? Why did I always mess everything up... I could never see my brother again. He had been pushed to the limit, and most of it was because of me. I tried to calm myself down as I plunged my fist into Marcel's wall, accidentally leaving a huge hole. I guess sometimes I forget how strong I am, and I get carried away. I looked around Marcel's room as I walked over to his window, shutting it because it was cold. I took a deep breath as I sat on the edge of my brother's bed.. I had nothing to worry about. Marcel would come back soon, there is no way he would leave for good without saying goodbye to me or taking his action figures and Percy Jackson book and comic books with him. He probably just went for a walk to think, and for the first time in a while I thought it would be best to just leave him alone and to let him take time for himself.

As I lay back on Marcel's bed sighing in boredom, something on his night stand caught my eye. There was a white ripped piece of paper on it that in Marcel's handwriting read "I'll be gone for a little while, had to take some time to think about things. Don't worry about me" I sighed in relief knowing it was met for me from Marcel. As I threw the note away, I noticed something else sitting on Marcel's nightstand... a book. A brown book with leather and buckles, it looked like a diary, and I couldn't help myself but to look inside....

My Brother Is My Bully...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora