Chapter 2: home alone

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I ran home as fast as I could trying to avoid Harry or anyone else. I just wanted to be alone in my room like always after another stupid, bad day at school. I had to walk home everyday because Harry wouldn't give me a ride, even though he had his own car and was going home just like me.

I slammed my door shut and jumped on my bed with my head in the pillow.
I picked up my head and reached my hand under my bed. I pulled out the picture of me and Harry from when we were about 7. We were hugging, outside, in our swim trunks by our old pool. I smiled lightly, as a tear slipped down my face. Wishing I still had that relationship with my brother.

My heart jumped out of my chest as Harry slammed my door open so hard it hit the wall. I'm pretty sure it left a dent. I quickly put the picture frame back under my bed, not knowing what Harry would do if he saw it. Unfortunately, he did. "What the hell is that in your hand Marcel, lemme see," Harry said grabbing the picture from under my bed and sitting down next to me. "I-it's u-us from w-when we were l-little k-kids," I spoke slowly looking at the picture in his hands, not making eye contact with him. He looked at me with anger in his eyes, and threw the picture on the ground. I started to cry a little at how messed up Harry was, especially for doing that. He stood up from my bed and bent down in front of me, lifting my chin up. My face was red with tear stains, my glasses fogging up. "Hey, stop, quit being a baby Marcel," Harry said slapping me across the face lightly. He grabbed my face forcing me to look at him. I thought I might have saw a little sympathy in his eyes... No no of course I didn't harry would never feel sorry for me, he probably didn't even know what sorry met.

Harry grabbed my arms pulling me down towards him. He fell back as i fell onto him, laying across his lap. I whimpered causing Harry to have an evil smirk. "You better stop crying and man up or I'm gonna beat the shit outta you, or better yet, I'm gonna spank you like the little baby you are, hmm? Is that what you want, want me to spank you Marcel, I am your older brother, and I think you need punished for being such a baby," Harry whispered in my ear in a deep husky voice sending chills down my spine. Harry's mouth was now up against my ear, I had goosebumps, Harry was holding my wrist behind my back with a tight grip, his hand grazing lightly across my pants as he pulled up his hand and landed it right on my bum, slapping it hard. I looked up at him as I wiped away a tear, he slapped me again over and over until I finally stopped crying so he would stop. My bum was now red and hurt like hell. Harry bit his lip smirking as he pushed me off of him and stood up. "Now you've learned your lesson for being such a little baby Marcel. Understand this, that picture is not us anymore. Those kids in that picture no longer exist, get over it," Harry said walking out of the room as I lay on the floor. What the hell just happened. Whatever it was..... I kinda liked it.

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