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A few days later, a funeral was held for Barbara, the whole party was their and Eric stood beside the wheelers family with his dad and with Leo. They had finally received closure for Barbras passing however it was only the party and adults who knew what really happened. Eric was in crutches due to his leg injury yet still he held Nancys hand squeezing it reassuringly. The girl turned to facing he and smiled squeezing his back.

Once the funeral came to a close, the kids of Hawkins Middle school all departed leaving to get ready for the snowball

Eric went home with his dad and Leo and went to change into the clothes he was wearing for the snowball

He was wearing a dark blue three piece suit with a white shirt and a black tie

Eric however still had his boot on his leg and it was proving a struggle when he tried to balance himself

"For fucks sake" he muttered getting frustrated as he couldn't tie his tie properly

He saw his dad walk in with a small smile on his face

"Your all grown up" he said beginning to tie Eric's tie for him

"Your mum would've loved this, she wouldn't have missed it for the world" he continued

"Thanks, dad." Eric replied. "I just want to apologise for yesterday I wasn't here to pick up Leo and then you had to go pick up Leo and-" Eric started rambling, he couldn't exactly tell his dad the real reason he wasn't there yesterday

"Eric, breathe okay. It should be me apologising not you. I'm supposed to be doing that, I'm the father your the child.And I don't mind picking up Leo from school I spend more time with him anyway." His dad said chuckling a bit at the end of his sentence

"I think this move was good for us, I'm learning to adjust and I'm getting better" he dad finished

Eric hugged him. Things were going back to normal, his dad was coming back.

"Group hug!!" Leo screamed at he ran inside Eric's room

The other two laughed at Leo's comment and their dad picked him up bringing him into the group hug as well

"I love you guys" his dad said kissing both of their heads

"now, I think it's time for Ricky to get to that dance. But first! We have to do a very important initiation. Drumroll please" his dad said pointing to Leo.

Leo started drumming on his stomach

"Pictures!" Their dad said grabbing the camera from the desk and snapping a picture of Eric

"Pictures!" Leo repeated raising his hands In the air excitedly

Eric laughed at this shaking his head at his family

"We should fit in my boot in, it's my questionably forced accessory" Eric said sarcastically

When the time arrived, everyone was being driven by their parents towards the school. Lucas, Will, Mike, Nancy and Jonathan were the first of the group to be reunited.

Max stepped out of her parent's car and quickly walked inside. But not quite fast enough to be missed by Eric's staring eyes.

"Ahh, It seems to me that you've found your Matilda." Matthew spoke up

Maverick was unaware that his dad was looking at him

"I don't know..."

"Oh Ricky come on, I just saw the way you looked at her. That was how I looked at your mum. Or so I'm told, apparently I would stare unintentionally" he finished unable to remember when he would do that. "What I'm trying to say is that if you like her you should just go for it. You'll never know if you don't ask" He dad said

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