I manage to keep my jaw from dropping when we board the private jet. I was already shocked to see the length of it when we walked out across the tarmac. I was expecting something a lot smaller.

But if the exterior was surprising, the interior actually takes my breath away. If this is how Max usually travels, no wonder first class on the airline seemed like a step down for him.

The chairs are spacious recliners upholstered in leather, and I can see a separate area with a built-in table for dining or holding meetings while in flight. It's more like walking into a high end condo than an airplane.

"This is . . . pretty amazing." I tell Gabe.

"I know, right?" He directs me to a seat and I sink into plush comfort. "It has the capacity to carry 14 passengers, but Gabe had the interior redone with the idea of just having 6 or 7 passengers, but ramping up the amenities. There's a private master suite, as well as a lounge area for the crew."

"How long are the flights he takes this on?" I ask. I don't know which surprises me more - having an actual bedroom on the plane, or that it could be in the air long enough for the crew to need a lounge.

"Pretty much anywhere you'd want to go."

And all I can think is, wow.

"These seats," Gabe explains, "have a floating base, so you can fully recline and it's like sleeping on a bed."

"I can imagine."

"You want the tour now, or later?"

"Now works." I get up from the seat and take off my jacket.

"Here," Gabe says, taking it from me. "There's a closet up here we can hang it in."

We go to the front of the plane first and he introduces me to the pilot, an older man wearing a uniform. Gabe explains that he's a retired airline pilot, and addresses him as Captain Steve.

Captain Steve welcomes me on board and says he hopes I enjoy the flight.

"It would be hard not to enjoy the flight on this," I comment to Gabe as we head back to the main cabin, leaving Captain Steve to finish his pre-flight checklist.

"Don't planes have to have two pilots?" I ask Gabe.

"With private jets, some do and some don't. We use one for short flights like this. But don't worry. I'm actually a licensed pilot. So's Max. If anything went wrong, I've got it covered."

I stare at him. "Is there anything you don't do?"

Gabe laughs. "I always wanted to fly. I was the one who got Max interested back in the day. And it ended up leading to this."

"So the business didn't always have a private jet?"

"Max's dad was more inclined to rent one when needed. But he was never really a fan of flying. Not like Max."

We check out the restroom, which puts those tiny cramped ones on commercial airlines to shame.

"So what do you consider a long flight, like where you'd hire a second pilot."

"L.A. Hawaii. Anywhere international," he says.

"You can take this for international flights?" Now I get why there are sleeping accommodations and a crew lounge.

"Typically when Max does that we get a second pilot. And a flight attendant. Today it's just me at your service."

I'm about to respond, but then Gabe slides a door open and I'm staring at a massive bed. "It's like a hotel room," I tell him.

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