𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕.

Começar do início

" Which reminds me," I grabbed the jerseys off of the counter along with the reminder of my protein shake. " I have to go take a shower and wash off the blood, sweat, and tears that I endured during that torture class that you enjoy so much."

" Beauty is pain!" She yells as I make my escape to my bedroom. " You'll be thanking me when those abs start to come in."

Sade and Ayanna had killer abs— lucky bitches.

By the time I finished having a nice and relaxing bath filled to the brim with epsom salt to soothe the muscles that would for sure be giving me hell tomorrow, I took a shower because let's be honest here, what was sitting in a tub of your own dirt cleaning? Not a damn thing.

After showering and washing my hair, I didn't have the energy to change into my clothes so I laid out on my bed naked. A few minutes into my nice and relaxing quiet time, my phone began to make that irritating buzzing noise from off of my bedside table.

My eyes snapped open as I reached for the device, annoyed until I saw the caller ID.

I quickly clicked accept as my back fell against the mattress, my arm covering my breast as his face pops on to my screen. Immediately the shitface started grinning.

" Are you nakey?"

" Hello to you too, Kyler," I rolled my eyes as his face came closer to the screen. " Why am I only getting eyeballs? Stop being a pervert."

" Is it me being a pervert?" His dimples become more prominent as the boyish grin sets deeper. " Or is it me admiring my beautiful girl, and just knowing her body well enough to know that that birthmark wouldn't be visible if she were wearing any clothing."

I puckered up my lips, twisting them to the side as my gaze dropped toward the odd birthmark on my boob. It is shaped like half a heart.

It  would've really been ironic if it was shaped as a broken heart...

" And if I am nakey?" I teased him, raising my camera a little higher, watching his eyes nearly bulge out of his socket as he gets a view of my arms covering my chest protectively.

" Joraaaa," his voice comes out pained as I bring the camera back towards my face.

" That's all you get, big boy," my teeth dig into my bottom lip to hide my smile as he leans back, covering his eyes with a groan. " Do you like the necklace on me?"

Kyler opens his eyes and lifts his head up, licking his lips. " I do. Maybe I like it even more knowing that it's the only thing you are wearing right now," he says, shifting in his seat.

Mustering up my remaining energy, I forced myself out of bed and walked towards my closest, holding my towel tightly against my chest. " Sade forced me to go to Pilates with her today. Those classes should be illegal," I began to ramble as I shifted through the casual section of my closet. " In fact, that's probably why she's so unhinged."

Kyler snorts. " You are all unhinged in my book," he mutters.

" What?" My gaze sharpens on his box as I didn't miss a beat. " What about me is unhinged? I'm the only normal one in the friend group."

Kyler's eyebrows lifted knowing that I didn't even believe the words that just came out of my mouth. " You suggested putting Nair shampoo in your new neighbors welcome basket because she was staring at you too long."

Kissing my teeth, I pulled out a basic black fitted long sleeve and hooked it on my forefinger. " It wasn't that she was staring, it was the way she was staring," I defended myself. " Any normal girl would do it."

" Uh huh," he sounded unconvinced and unfazed at the same time. Which makes sense because of who his twin was. " Where are you going, gorgeous?"


Out of Bounds | Book 3 in USC series Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora