Chapter 8: A Possible in need of help!

Start from the beginning

Michael: Good start, I'm Michael nice to meet you.

My name is Videl, it's nice to meet you to Michael.

Michael: Need a water bottle because it looks like you could use a drink after your run.

Videl: Yea I could use something to keep me hydrated thanks.

Michael gave Videl a spare water bottle and the two sat together to drink and catch their breaths while Videl on the other hand was eyeing Michael with interest.

Videl: You from Paris?

Michael: London, I moved here weeks ago to get away from my old life cause I went through a bad experience with my former friends who I probably will never see again.

Videl: Let me guess someone new came to your home and told your friends fake stories and they ate it up while thinking that they were real in which they were not. And this person turned your friends against you and lied about doing awful things.

Michael: How did you know about that?

Videl: Wait you mean that was for real? I was just making something up. Did that actually happened to you.

Michael: A year ago it happened but I am over it and that person who lied and made my life a living hell is long gone and locked up.

Videl: Crazy psychopath?

Michael: Kind of both and a murderer.

Videl: did you get that person locked up?

Michael: Expose the lies, got the police involved, found out that person was working with a dangerous criminal, also found evidence that person killed innocent people as well as finding nasty and horrible secrets in a dairy.

Videl: Seems like this person really is dangerous, boy or girl?

Michael: Girl.

Videl: Well you did the right thing that is the good news. What was her name?

Michael: I don't like to talk about it, I despise her very existence.

Videl: I understand.

Michael: I like to change the subject, are you from Paris too?

Videl: Oh no I used to live in Japan but things got out of hand with my dad. He let fame and money get to his head and I couldn't deal with it any longer so I moved away and got a job for a gym trainer here in Paris.

Michael: Thats a good job for you how you liking it.

Videl: It's all right especially I get train a lot to improve my martial arts.

Michael: Cool, I do martial arts as well, along with other fighting techniques to improve my skills.

Videl: How long have you been training? I been training since I was ten.

Michael: For me I been training since I was five.

Videl: That young, wow you must be one smart learner.

Michael: I owe to the people who took care of me for so many years.

Videl: Wait you don't have a family?

Michael: Sigh..never knew them nor remember them. I grew up on the streets for couple years until I was adopted by a good and wise man who took me in and raised me as his own son. Years later after I got older I moved out and went to search for my destiny and so far I am still searching.

Videl: That sounds great though I am sorry that you never had a family and you practically grew up on the streets didn't your parents not want you.

Michael: Like I said I don't remember my parents as a matter of fact I don't think I had any at all. My memory isn't that good. All I can remember is that I was alone, cold, and hungry until I was taken in by my adoptive father and he gave me a home as well as love.

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