Chapter Nine, Grocery Store

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Over the next few weeks I’ve learned to leave at six-thirty every morning so that I leave without having to see Chris. I only go to the grocery store when Peyton can't, which isn’t often. I make sure to have Peyton leave before I do when we go somewhere so I know if he’s out there or not. So far I’ve managed to avoid him pretty well. Although part of me is upset that I haven’t seen him in weeks, I have to remember that I did this for his own good. Or so I tell myself. I’m at work about to be over with my shift when Peyton calls. “Hey girl, what’s up?” There’s a pause. “Well…I can’t go to the store today, I have another date with Cole so you're gonna have to go.” I sigh. “Ok…what would be the chances I would run into him when you’ve been every other time and you haven’t barley any.” Peyton sighs and I can picture her rolling her eyes right now. “I still think you should tell him that you changed your mind and you really like him.” I roll my eyes ever since I told Peyton what happened with Chris. She has been saying this multiple times a day too. “Not gonna happen. Changing subject now, what date number will this be with Cole? 100?” We laugh. “Haha so funny, no it’s the fifth. I really like him.” I sigh happy for her and jealous of her. “Well I’m happy for you Peyton. Soon enough you're gonna be leaving me.” She laughs but we both know it’s the truth. “Alright well I have to get back to work. Bye Quinn.” “Ok me too. Bye Peyton, have fun!” We hang up and I finish filling out paperwork and then clock out. I’m halfway out the door when Amy catches up with me. “Hey!” “Hey Amy. What’s up?” She smiles at me as we walk out the doors together. “Well… I know you don’t want to hear tis but I’m gonna tell you anyway my distant cousin Kate says that Chris keeps talking about trying to win you back.” I stop dead in my tracks. “What?” Amy laughs and then catches her breath. “Yeah, how cute is that!? Anyways I have to get going bye Quinn.” I watch Amy walk away and then I start towards my car thinking the whole time whether I like that he’s trying to win me back or I dislike it. I decided to play Taylor Swift when I got in the car. “Gorgeous” is the song that comes on and I find myself relating to this song quite a bit. I pull into the grocery store blaring my music. I’m wandering down isles trying to think of things to get when someone suddenly runs into me. I begin to fall but two strong arms catch me and pull me up. I look to see who it is. OH NO. Chris. “Sorry- Quinn?” “Chris.” He looks at me amused. “What’s so funny?”  “Remember when I said my apartment was a danger zone for you?” I smile thinking back to day the first time we kissed. “Yes.” “Well I changed my mind. It's not  my apartment that’s a danger zone for you, it's me.” I stare at him and we laugh. “I guess that could be true.” I pull away from his arms but he pulls me right back. “Chris…” “No…listen..this isn’t how I wanted to do this but oh well. I have serious feelings for you and I know you feel the same. I also know that if you run you’ve spent your whole life running I’m assuming and I can understand that it’s hard to settle but I promise whatever you're running from isn’t that bad would it be horrible if we became a couple? No… please Quinn I really really like you say you feel the same way let me in please.” I try to find words but I can't. I stand in his embrace thinking what I should say but suddenly I don’t know anymore. I want to run. Running is how I protect myself but what exactly am I protecting myself from with Chris? I forgot for a minute but now I remember I’m protecting myself from pain so that I don’t end up like my Mother. I know at some point in her life she was happy and healthy but then she had three kids and neither father wanted to help her. I look at Chris. He's not smirking, he almost looks like he’s frowning and his eyes are begging me to let him in. I turn away from his gaze and push away from him. “Chris…You're just hurting yourself more by trying to win me back. Just let me go. Move on, that is what I ask of you.” Chris looks at me, his sad begging face turned to coldness. It worked. I’m about to walk away from the aisle when he says my name. “I’m done begging. It’s clear you don’t want me, you're just gonna push me aside like you do. You don’t let people in you shut them out cold heartedly. Is this why I never see family around your place? Huh? You shut them all? They're better off without you because all you do is cause pain. You messed with me since I met you and now you're throwing me to the side. I hope you're happy being cold hearted because no one will ever look twice at you with how you treat people. I honestly feel bad for Peyton…is she trapped with you? I wish her the best and when you do shut her out like everyone else I’ll be sure to help her… like the good person I am.” I feel as though my world is shattering around me. “HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY!? YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!” I scream at him and turn to run away. “EXACTLY! JUST HOW YOU LIKE IT! RUN JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!” I ran and dropped the things I was holding. I ran out of the grocery store and puked on the sidewalk. I race to my car and drive as fast as possible to get home. I run into my apartment and slam the door shut behind me. I run to the bathroom and puke more. I curl up in a ball on the bathroom floor and lay there.

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