Artist Avery AU

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(I just had an idea like, what if Avery was really into both art and Friend... and just combined them? Idk, I got a lotta weird stuff in my head...)

• Everyone on the server already knows how full blown yandere Avery is for Friend, but they don't see the reason behind Avery's infatuation with them.

• Before joining the VR Squad, Avery spent most of their time painting, drawing, sketching.

• They had created, what they thought were, masterpieces. Nothing could compare to the beautiful pieces they would spread on the papers and canvases. No one could create anything as magnificent as they could.

• Until of course, they started taking their art elsewhere, so they could find new places for inspiration, and eventually joined the VR Squad (because they live on a secluded island). Where their eyes landed on a being that put anything they've ever made to shame.

• After meeting Friend, the next time they tried to create another so called "masterpiece", all they got were slopped lines on a canvas.

• They couldn't paint anything, draw anything, their art was worthless compared to the beautiful, lavender haired person that had saw today.

• So they trashed any other ideas they had and solely focused on trying to capture Friend's beauty into a canvas, into a drawing.

• But it still didn't work, nothing could compare to the true thing, to the true godly being that was Friend.

• But they still didn't give up and instead opted to do what any other artist would do, and decided to study their muse in a different perspective, in more detail.

• Stalking, kidnapping, always staying as close to them as they could.

• Everyone had soon gotten used to Avery's strange behavior and actions, and instead of getting angry every time Avery would kidnap Friend, they would get more annoyed, to the point where they just stopped helping Friend everytime.

• Avery had mixed emotions from this. They thought it was good no one would help Friend now, it would be easier to steal them and keep them for themself, but the other part of them has angry, they would just give up? Friend deserved better than this...

• But obviously, Avery may have underestimated Friend a bit...

• The next time Avery had stolen Friend away, they were able to escape with ease, even if they were barricaded up, like it was the most natural thing in the world. (Light work, no reaction)

• And obviously, Avery's fascination became worse by that.

• Of course Friend would escape! How dare they underestimate them! Friend can do anything! Friend is perfect! Friend is MORE than perfect! Friend is the most! (👀)

• And, of course, Avery being an artist and all, they are able to see Friend more than what others see.

• They can see the way Friend's nose scrunches up and their eyes squint when they smile. The curves of their shoulders down to their hips. The way the sun shines so perfectly on their eyes. The way their face flushes red and they stop their foot when embarrassed. How the scars on their body fit so perfectly on their skin. The way their body tenses at a cold breeze. The way their lose hair waves in the wind. When they flap their hands as a stim. The slow rise and fall of their chest when they sleep. The way they rub circles on people's hands to comfort them. How relaxed they lay and don't flinch at Avery's touch when they're asleep. The... Okay you get the point...

• Avery has slowly started to move away from their little "art project", I mean, what's the point of trying to recreate something so magnificent when it already exists, and it's right in your reach?

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