18 | Maharaja Patta-Abhisheka

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Bhanu, holding the sacred water, spoke with resolute determination, "I pledge to govern Indraprastha with utmost humility and unwavering responsibility, through body, speech, and mind. I solemnly vow to uphold the timeless customs and principles of our noble lineage, ensuring the luminous glory of our ancestors never fades."

The Pandavas exchanged smiles with their wives, while the Yadava family shared in the sentiment. Suthanu graced the moment with her gentle smile.

"I am not yet your king. A true king knows his citizens intimately-sharing their sorrows, their joys, and their tears. He comprehends the realm's potential for growth and the hardships borne by his people. I have yet to witness and experience such aspects firsthand. Let me first embrace my role as a compassionate father to this land, connecting with the soil after thirteen long years. If ever my actions or decisions evoke discontent among my people, I pledge to rectify them swiftly," Bhanu stood resolute, water trickling through his fingers. The onlookers gazed upon him with tear-filled eyes, touched by his solemn words.

"Courage and strength derive from family, for it is through their unwavering support that we find solace amidst adversities. They share in our hardships and rejoice in our triumphs," Bhanu addressed the citizens with a gaze that encompassed them all. "My family extends beyond Dwarkadeesh, my beloved Maa Satyabhama, and the Yadavas alone. It now encompasses the Kuru family, and all of you, the cherished citizens of Indraprastha. Every village associated with this realm is part of my extended family. I consider myself blessed to receive such a family, from whom I draw strength, courage, and inspiration for life. Together, we fought for Dharma, and I pray that we remain united in the face of any future adversities. I pledge that no cracks shall mar our familial bond, now or in the times yet to come. May our collective resolve ensure that no Kurukshetra shall ever darken our lives," Bhanu released the water from his hands, turning towards the Lingam, joined by Suthanu, as they sought the blessings of their ancestors.

"Putra Bhanu, the Raj Sankalpa, taken in the presence of esteemed citizens, the royal family, and revered sages, now draws to its culmination," Rishi Dhaumya smiled warmly at Bhanu. "In a few precious moments, we shall proceed with your Patta-abhisheka in the royal court."

Radiant smiles adorned every corner as Bhanu and Suthanu turned to face the gathered multitude, their palms pressed together in humble reverence. Akshatas, the blessed offerings of devotion, showered upon them from every elder present, carrying within them the deepest blessings that resonated from every soul.

 Akshatas, the blessed offerings of devotion, showered upon them from every elder present, carrying within them the deepest blessings that resonated from every soul

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The resplendent royal court of Indraprastha bathed in a luminosity that was intricately woven into its very essence, a brilliance that enraptured the senses. Within its halls, the air was filled with devotional hymns, their melodic strains blending harmoniously with the warm glow of sacred Yagnas. Sages, seated in a posture of unwavering rigidity yet emanating a peculiar serenity, chanted incantations that carried an air of auspiciousness and divine reverence. On one side of the court, graceful women moved with ethereal grace, their bodies swaying in the sacred rhythm of religious celebration, their every movement a testament to devotion.

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