Pt 1

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•sinopsis• Primo is turning 502 and for the last 2 of those years he has befriended a young sibling to protect them from his brothers predatory behaviors but what happens when he questions his own thoughts on you

Primos POV

Someone has to protect y/n from them if they get to them... if they get into their mind they will fall right into the hands of the beasts I call my brothers they will use them they won't love them like I do...but what am I but a beast of burdens as well the things I would do to them if I just got one Primo you aren't like them...or are you


I walk into Primos office to see him quite distressed looking pacing around in front of the stained glass window causing rainbows of light on the floor to dance as his lengthy shadow sweeps clear your throat*ehmmm* Primos eyes shoot up from the window and he spins around to face you "Oh I'm sorry dulce I didn't notice you come in..lost in thought I guess" you pause to look at his slightly nervous frame "Papa is everything ok you look a bit shaken up I would say pale but you're a vampire you're always pale HAHA" he chuckles at your mediocre joke but then his face returns to one of this knotted look of sorrow that intertwines his old grey eyebrows "Ahh si papa...I mean I am fine nothing but a bit of deep thought that's all" you look at him intrigued "502 years and you can still have things to ponder that is a wild concept and yeah don't think I didn't forget ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!" You pull out a small cupcake from behind your back it is quite grotesque looking as it's all red and squishy to be fair it looks like evidence from a murder scene but you made it with warm fresh blood just donated this morning for you're grumpy lil papa "I made it with fresh blood from the blood drive this morning" Primo kindly takes it from your hands smelling it "Type O Negative you remembered my favorite type how sweet of you dulce I will take a nibble now and have the rest for lunch" he takes the tiniest of bites nodding his head in approval

Primos POV

They made me a cupcake how sweet of them innocent by the devil himself I could never do those things to them I could never taint their sweet succulent body their iridescent glow of youth and sexual prowess...I MUST STOP I cannot continue like this should I tell them no no no that would make me the creepy old man I refuse to become even in 502 years I have not yet lost my sense of humility no I must suppress these....*you grab primos shoulder* "Papa you look like you need to sit down please sit was my cupcake that bad" I look at them softly while sitting "No no my dear it was not the cupcake I was just wondering you have been my assistant for 2 years now and I don't think I ever asked your age??" They look at me sheepishly a blush spreading like wildfire across their face "I'm 22 haha.. I ugh ain't got nothing on you papa" they are right oh my they are so young supple just budding to fruition ripe for the picking I wonder if they are still a virgin if they have ever explored their own body with someone else maybe with some one experience I could show them a thing or two if there is one thing vampires are good at it's knowing how to toy with their prey WAIT prey no no they are not prey they are my friend my assistant my child in sin why do these thoughts plague me so "22 is the perfect age for lots of experiences my young sibling so do not fret you have plenty of time to learn" they blush even deeper now hiding behind their hand how cute but it makes me wonder if I'm making them blush what are they thinking should no that is an invasion of privacy but just one little peek won't hurt anyone will it

Y/N thoughts......

"Wow for a 502 year old vampire he is insanely good looking in this lighting his papel paint is actually flawless today the lines are so crisp and clean unlike secondo his paint is always so messy looking and scary I can't believe he tried to invite me to his orgy yucky not really my style I'm more of a tall handsome spooky old vampires concubine kinda person and he's right here for the taking if only he would take me right on the edge of his desk or by the window or maybe I'd even get lucky to lay in his coffin I bet it smells like him I hope he hasn't noticed that handkerchief I stole from doing his laundry that would be devastating wait why is he looking at me like that like like he wants to eat me....


Papa *waving your hand in his face* hello you there please don't eat m...

Before you could say anything primo was standing right in front of you breathing heavily teeth poking out a bit through his opened lips his heavy breath hot on your quickly reddening cheeks until he finally speaks "I can't take this anymore dulce I cannot contain myself around you I..I told myself I was not like others but I can't hold onto these thoughts any longer mi dulce please I beg of you let my indulge in the flesh" he gets down on his knees face buried in your stomach arms draped at your hips "Please mi dulce I beg I do not wish to be a perverted old man who preys on the young but have ensnared my unbeating heart I am devoted to you" you crouch down to hug papa back "Oh papa these feelings do not make you perverted especially not if I feel the same I didn't say anything bc I didn't want to sound like one of the typical suger baby siblings that prey on your brothers oh my papa I love you very much and I would never think such things about you" he looks up at you with a small smile "I...te amo mi amore" TBC...

I hope that was to your satisfaction if you want me to continue this short story comment and like💖💖

Question of Time (Primoxreader) short story Where stories live. Discover now