Chapter 1

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My name is Mariana Jaime. I'm Miguel O'hara's daughter, but i'm also Earth-928's Spider-woman. Though most call me Spider-Nyx. I prefer that name.

I had just finished an anomaly mission, just another Vulture. Third Vulture this week, they seem to find every portal imaginable..

I step into the elevator leading to the HQ. I always prefer to be working, i'm one of the highest ranking members of this place, and i don't want to mess up that by slacking off. I don't have anything better to do anyway.

The elevator stops, and it's large doors open. As i walk through the lobby i feel everyones eyes on me. I don't turn up here often, usually i just portal into my Father's HQ, but for once i felt like making a visit. There's more spideys here then last time.

I can tell which Spider-Heroes are new by how intimidated they are by my presence. It's not an intentional thing, i don't have that 'friendly' image of 'friendly neighbourhood Spider-woman'.

"Heya Mari."
I wave at Jess. She's one of the few people here that i talk to, she's like an Aunt to me.

"How was the mission?", She walks along side me.
"It was good, just a pesky Vulture.", I smile at her through my mask.

"Your Father asked to see you, he hasn't seen you in awhile.", Jess sighs, "None of us have. You're always working yourself to the bone.", She puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me concerned.

"You know i prefer to be busy, i can handle it.", I smile softly, trying to reassure her.
She chuckles lightly, "I know you can."

I see Malala waiting for me to finish talking to Jess. "Well i wont hold you up any longer. Have a good day, Mari.", her hand drops from my shoulder.
"You too, Jess.", I put my hand up as a goodbye, and she goes over to Malala.

I walk past the lobby entrance. As i step out onto the usual bustling paths, it goes quiet. The only noise are my boots clacking against the floor. I feel paranoid, all the masked eyes watching me, whispering. I stand straighter, trying to mask how uncomfortable i am.

I wish i didn't decide to walk now.

I walk through the hallway, into my Father's HQ. Looking at his platform, for once its already lowered. "You wanted to see me?", i ask.

"I just wanted to check up on you, you haven't been here in awhile, Araña.", Miguel turns to me.
"I'm fine, just been busy with my Spider duties.", I say.

"I know, but it'd be nice to see you sometimes.", he crosses his arms. "You spend too much time in your suit, Mariana. I would bet you wouldn't be able to tell me one thing you did outside of it this week."
I avoid his eyes, knowing he's right. I doubt 'sleeping' would count.. Then again i've slept in it too for the past 2 nights.

Miguel turns back to his monitors. "You have a week off from being Spider-woman. Try spend some time with someone, you need more of a social life.", He looks at me over his shoulder.

"I already have one!", I put my hands on my hips. "Me and Jess don't count.", He furrows his eyebrows.
I groan, "Fine, fine. But i can't make any promises.". Out of the corner of my eye i see something, or someone, move. Miguel sighs, going back to whatever he was looking at on his screens.

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