"I didn't want to ruin your romantic night. I know how long you guys have been saving up to go to that hotel."

"Where did you stay?" Chase asked standing with his hands in his pockets not looking too impressed.

I felt nervous all of sudden. If they found out I stayed with Haze, our friendship would be over.

What I did was wrong, very wrong.

Haze is someone who repeatedly hurt us. He is a bad person and I shouldn't have even considered making plans for us to do it again.

"Just a friend," I lied.

"What friend?" he urged.

I faked laughed. "Is this an interrogation or something."

He could see right through me. He knows it was Haze. He's reading my mind right now.

"It won't feel like an interrogation if you have nothing to hide. Is it someone from school?"

"That's enough Chase!" Aaron exclaimed. "What has gotten into you?"

Chase raised his hands in surrender before laying down on my bed.

What was his problem? Jeez.

I turned to Belly who had the biggest smile on her face. She showed me her phone with a countdown.

"Elections are soon here!"

Aaron rolled his eyes. "I need her to hurry up and win so she can stop talking about it."

I laughed. "Belly, maybe you should focus on something else."

"I can't Evie. My dream to finally coming true. It just seems unreal!"

I smiled. I was happy for her. From ever since I knew Belly, that's all she talked about, being student body president.

She might not have been the most popular or the most liked but this was the one thing that she could do without popularity because those who are popular are not interested.

"Did you tell Aunt Tessa my good news?"

I shook my head.

She glared at me before standing up. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be back."

Now there was just Aaron, Chase and I.

Aaron looked back and forth between Chase and I. "You got to be kidding me. There is no way I'm standing in this awkward environment."

Then there were two.

I sat silently on my study chair while Chase looked up to the ceiling on my bed.

"What's your problem?" I finally asked.

He stayed quiet.

I scoffed, "I am not doing this with you."

"Who'd you make out with last night?" he finally asked.

My eyes widened and panic quickly took over me.

"What-what are you talking out?"

He sighed before sitting up. "Eve, there is a huge hickey on your neck."

I quickly used my hand and covered my neck even though I had no idea where the hickey was.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I don't think the others noticed. Your hair covered it most of the time."

"It's not a hickey."

"Don't lie Eve."

I laughed. "Don't be silly Chase. Who would want to make out with me?"

"Don't say that about yourself Eve. Any guy with eyes would want to!" he said angrily.

"I was just kidding. You don't have to get angry, jeez."

"Who was it? Was it the same 'friend' you stayed with last night?"

"With all due respect Chase, it's none of your business."

"Don't you think I have the right to know?" he asked.

"Didn't you think I had the right to know when you were cheating on me with Belly?"

He placed his lips in a thin line. "Come on Evie, that's not fair. I thought we were over this?"

How could I be over something like that?

"Then you shouldn't care about my love life."

I heard footsteps coming.

"If you ever tell anyone about this hickey, I'll drop both you and Belly," I threatened before making sure that my hair covered my neck properly.

"Is it that bad that you can't tell me? Come on Eve, we were best friends before we dated."

"I wish we never dated in the first place."

The door opened and there came Belly and Aaron.

"Evie, your mom promised to take us all out when I win!" Belly exclaimed. She went and kissed Chase. "Isn't that awesome, babe?"

"Yeah, that's great," he answered in a low tone before standing up.

"Where are you going, C?" Belly asked.

"I'm suddenly not in the mood to fake being happy and I don't want to sit here and lie to my friends," he said before leaving.

"What was that about?" Aaron asked and I shrugged.

His Secretजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें