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Keshia Bradley
Atlanta Georgia
Thursday 12:30am

I had just got back from work I moved in my apartment yesterday I started to clean up some boxes and stuff when I heard somebody knocking at my door I got up answering the door seeing the gang dressed up

"What y'all want"I said rolling my eyes

"Long shift maybe"Kat said walking in with everybody on her trail

"Anyways we going out so go take them scrubs off and put sum sexy on" Kam said sitting on my couch

"No I'm tired I'm not going nowhere but the bed"I said walking in my room

"I told she was gon do that"I heard Von say

"Keshia get yo as up hoe we going out and shaking ass"Kat said pulling me off the bed

"Okayy let me wash my ass get out"I said

After she closed my door I got in the shower and did that good stuff and found some shorts and cute shirt ⬇️

After she closed my door I got in the shower and did that good stuff and found some shorts and cute shirt ⬇️

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Finally you done taking all day"Fats said muggin

"Suck my dick fat fuck"I said grabbing my keys and purse

"Enough you two keshia you riding with Fats and Dave em"Kat said

I walked to Dave car while Fats got in the front and some girl got in back with me we was waiting on Dave I swear he be taking his time

"Hell nah Fats get yo big ass in the back with yo girl"Dave said getting in the car

"Nigga stay tripping"fats mumbled

Me and fats ended up switching spots and when I say Dave can not drive he cannot drive I swear that nigga almost hit 4 people and 6 cars but we made it to the club it was called The Rose Seventh I heard it was live line was around the corner but we walked to the door and the security let's in it was jump the music was live

I followed them to the  VIP section and hoes started coming out of nowhere but Kat, Kam and Fat's girlfriend Naomi was stuffing a bottle of CasaMigos  down my throat minutes later I could feel my body vibrate and I already knew I was gone be fucked up

"Come on let's dance"Naomi grabbed my hand dragging me to the dance floor as pound town started playing

"I'm outta town thuggin with my round my coochie pink my booty hole brown where the niggas I'm looking for the hoesss"I rapped along with the song

I was fucked up I was throwing ass on whoever was catching it then I got tired after the 3rd song had go sit down on the couch then Kam bought me 3 more shots of some Henny I was so fucked up I just threw them hoes back 

"You good ma"Dave said looking at me

"Yeah"I said smiling hard asf I don't know why

"You sure"he asked I shook my head and then heard Keith sweat blast thru the club speakers

Me and the girls started singing together loud asf and then they started dancing on they man's next thing I know I was in Dave lap singing to him

"We'll be like two lovers in a tree
Tweddleee me and you girl whoa oh you know my love is right why can't you see" I sung to him

"Period best"I heard Kat say but I was to business dancing on him

"Ma you need to chill out"he said in my ear sending chills down my body

"Whyy I'm so sleepyyy"I said slurring my words laying my head on his shoulder

Next thing I know I was getting laid in a bed and getting a big t shirt put on my body

Next day

I woke up to the smell of food I looked around seeing I was in somebody room I grabbed my phone and seen it was 11:00am I got up and walked downstairs seeing everybody on the couch talking

"Wassup sleepy head" Von said making everybody turn around I waved at them my throat was mad dry

I sat on the couch next to Naomi and scrolled through Instagram then Kam bought me a shot of turmeric juice and some other shit all I know it was nasty asf and my breath was kicking

"Where's my purse"I said sounding like a mouse letting me know I lost my voice

"In the room you just came out of sound like you got some bugs stuck in yo throat"Kam said making me flick her off

I headed back to the room and got my purse seeing Dave laying in the bed like how did I not see him at first

"Stop staring ma"he mumbled get up walking to the bathroom

I grabbed my tooth brush I keep in my purse and some mouthwash and waited for him to get done doing whatever he came out and grabbed his phone while I walked in the bathroom searching for the toothpaste

"You mind if I use yo toothpaste"I asked

"You good you need a tooth brush" he said

"No but where yo face towels"I said he got up and grabbed one out the cabinet and handed it to me

I washed my face and stuff then head back down stairs to Motor handing me a plate we all ate and they talked about me and Naomi losing are voice but I ain't see shit funny then I text from my sister saying she wanted me to ride with her somewhere

"Dave what's yo address"I asked

"Where you going Pooh"Kam asked

"Jamie want me to go somewhere with her"I said

"3788 east forest park Lane"he said I sent it to my sister and she said she was 20 minutes away

"You going like that" Kat asked

"Yeah what's wrong with this"I asked confused

"T shirt and my panties onnn"Kat started singing

I went upstairs and grabbed my stuff then Dave walked in throwing some boxers and a muscle shirt at me making me mug him he put my clothes in a bag and I threw his shirt I had on in there to because it's mine now I said my byes and head out to my sister car

"Gurl did you get fucked"Jamie asked making me laugh


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