{ 2 } Assumptions { 2 }

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{ ☀️ } - Wukong POV - { ☀️ }

(Mentions of abu$3(?) Read at your own risk!)

I sighed and set the cup of coffee down for my dad.

"Thanks Wukong!" He said happily. My other dad, Tang, was playing with Mk, drawing and playing console games.

I took a breath.

"Yup, no problem." I replied.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I was silent. "Wukong, are you okay?" He asked again. I took a sighed.

"I don't know." I replied. My dad looked at me and gave me this worried look.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked.

"..I saw Macaque at the store today." I said. Suddenly my whole apartment went silent. The only thing you heard was the sounds of the outside.

"What?" My other dad looked at me. I nodded.

"I saw him at the stores with his two kids-"

"Hold on, he has kids!?" My dad interrupted.

"Yes, yes he does." I said.

"He's probably a terrible father." He said folding his arms. I looked at him.
"I'm just saying." He said.

"Did the kids look okay?" Tang asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, did they.. you know. Have marks? Bruises..?" He said.

"Like was there something off?" Pigsy finished.

"Well, one of his kids didn't want to leave.. but that's about it." I said.

"That's a normal thing for kids to do." Pigsy said. "But was the kids hurt?" I finally realized what my dad was implying.

"Dad, he cheated on me, he didn't hit me. His kids are fine, he's a good dad," I said folding my arms.

"You don't know that!" He faught. I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's non of my business. He's not boyfriend, I don't care anymore." I said. My dad rolled his eyes.

"Keep Mk far away from those kids." He said, I nodded.

"I will," I replied.

"Why would you even interact with him?" Tang asked.

"Well, what would you do if you seen your ex boyfriend from like, 10 years ago who cheated on you and kids are not leaving the fucking the store, and you bump into him?" I asked turning to him.

"Give him a peice of my mind." Tang said.

"Of course you would," I looked down.

"Look kid, all were saying is that you shouldn't of talked to him." Pigsy said.

"As if you know what it's like." I said.
It was silent again.

"I like Rumble and Savage!" Mk broke the silence, we looked at him. Tang looked at me.

"He made contact with them?!" He raised his voice.

"It was only one time. It wasn't a big deal." I said

"Wukong, their Macaque's kids. Their gonna do the same thing to Mk he did you." Pigsy said. "Betray and hurt."

"Well, Mk likes them, and I'm not gonna pick my kids friends because that's what's best for him. He's old enough to decide who he should be friends with and shouldn't. " I said folding my arms.

"Their going to hurt Mk! I don't want to have to deal with another one of Macaque's dueings just because you put yourself in that position." Pigsy looked away. I stood up.

"It's my life dad. I know what fucking choices I'm making!" I raised my voice. Pigsy looked shocked that I spoke back but I didn't care.

"Wukong listen, he's going to hurt you again. You need to take our advice. We know what's best for you." Pigsy stood up looking at me.

"I'm 32 dad. I know what's best for me and what's not best for me damnit." I stared balling my fists out of anger.

"And we're your parents, Wukong. We know what decisions are best for you." He stood up.

"Oh, yeah, by telling me how to parent my own kid?!" I yelled. Tang covered Mk's ears and looked at me.

"Wukong, stop talking back and listen to us." Tang said calmly. I turned to him.

"Oh, really? And how would you feel if you were being told how to parent your own child?!" I yelled at Tang. Tang was silent and looked away.

"..Wukong, please can we just calm down and can we just talk this out." Tang said. He shooed Mk off to his room and put a hand on my shoulder.

"He's telling me how to parent my kid!" I said.

"I know. I know but we are only trying to say what's best, we taught you, and we just want to help." Tang said.

"That's different!! It's different, you two could guide me, but I'm grown now! And I'm doing this all on my own! I'm alone dad, I'm by myself.. I'm alone." I said. Tang looked at me, he was about to say something until Pigsy said something that broke me.

"This is why you were never fit to be a parent." He said. Tang quickly looked Pigsy and hugged me.

"Pigsy! What the hell?!" He said.

"Think about it Tang, he never was fit, we should of took Mk from the start!" He faught.

"He's trying his hardest!" He yelled. They kept yelling but my mind went to a blur.

Why did I take Mk, was it too fast? Should I just give him to Tang and Pigsy so they could raise him better. Im a terrible dad, I need to face the truth. I should of just gave him up.

All these thoughts racing through my mind. Until a smaller hand touched mine.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Mk asked me. I hugged him. And suddenly I forgot everything I thought and went silent. Tang and Pigsy kept fighting. But the only thing I was focused on was my son.

"I love you Mk." I said.

"I love you too!" He said hugging me. My dad and Tang stopped and looked at us. Tang sighed.

"How about we come over a different day, okay Wukong?" Tang smiled. I nodded. As they walked out of my apartment.

Mk sat next to me.

"Wanna watch TV?" He smiled handing me the remote. I smiled back.

"Sure." I laughed and turned on our favorite show.

Even if my parents think I'm not a great parent, my kid still loves me and feels safe. That's all I care about. Mk and me.

He leaned on me,

"Your the best dad ever."

Someone I Knew Before // LMK Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now