33. Lover's Flu

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Monday, May 1st

I'm still debating whether my bedroom's ceiling or the hotel room's is better to scowl at. On one hand, mine has a nice creamy blue and I like the way shadows from my window cast upon it. On the other hand, I'm in the most luxurious hotel I've ever been in and the mattress feels like it's stuffed with clouds. My limps sink in the covers, my head in the fluffy pillow. It's the afternoon now. Everyone moved into their shared rooms. Initially, I was meant to be with one of the team members and Seamus with Kara. But now that she had a sort of impediment, Seamus is with Tavish so I'm on my own, left to enjoy some peace. I feel I deserve it in some sense, or at more so I required it. I rub my eyes and my bruises swell with pain. I sigh, give my watch a glance.

The competition starts in an hour for the younger category. Petrovish will be partaking, amongst others. I'm not expected to help with the warmup today, only tomorrow. All I need to do is attempt to spot issues with the competing athletes' form and technique. I also have to associate the scores with whatever technical flaw I find, although that's definitely overestimating me. Not without my muscles aching as a complaint, I stand. I have to take a shower, it's very much necessary. So I manage my way to the bathroom, flick the shower on, undress and hop in. Then, once I'm scrubbed clean, I dry myself off and wear the club uniform. Mine is a simple tracksuit with our school's name on the shoulders. Other members have their last names on the back, Seamus and Kara have their status instead. I hope I never get one printed with my name, it'll make me feel like I actually wanted this, like this is all real. It will make me feel like I'm truly part of something.

By now, the competition is half an hour away and I'm navigating through the long corridors. The lobby—a luxurious mix of leather couches, delicate paintings, crystal lights and handcrafted wooden tables—branches out to the competition venue. I use that connecting corridor, along with members of the audience. They're all dressed nicely. As they walk past me, I hear whispers and they usually infuriate me but those are special. They're whispers of respect, of enjoyment. Apparently Brendon High School has quite a name in this sport. From all the trophies Tavish made me melt against, it would make sense. At last, I enter the venue. The room is huge, shaped like an amphitheatre. There's a large area down in the middle, circled by judge tables. I'm not sure where to sit so I stay in the back, against a wall. My phone pings and it's Seamus. We're down on the right, it says. So I make my way down and, as indicated, they are indeed all there.

The competing members are in their tight leotard and God can I imagine how irresistible he must look in those. I bite my lip and look away because he's an asshole and I hate him and I can't be hopelessly attracted to him that way.

"Billy!" Crash calls me, standing up from the bench he was sat on.

I slowly wave. He's smiling so wide and I'm not sure why that would be. Seamus turns around to nod at me in acknowledgement. From the corner of my eye, I can see Tavish has taken notice of my late entrance too. I would say late because everyone is already there and ready. I excuse myself and scoot my way to a seat next to Seamus. Without any guidance, I have no idea how I'll manage to accomplish my task. He's standing to give each member a proper prep talk but his belongings are on a seat. I watch him, can't help the awe that washes over me. He's smiling and his eyes are warm. He encourages a nervous jacked guy with back pats, soothes another member with reminders of how far he's come. In the fuss of athletes buzzing with nervousness, Petrovish stands behind, seeming simultaneously unbothered and longing. He stares at the main entrance of the room as the beginning of the competition nears and nears. If it wasn't for the soft look on his face, I wouldn't know what it is he's waiting for. But I recognize that look. And it's reserved for Aqua McCloud and Aqua McCloud only.

I tug at the edge of Seamus' shirt. He glances down at me. "Is Aqua coming?" I ask.

He cocks an eyebrow at me. I slightly jut my chin towards Petrovish. Seamus' shoulders jump as he chuckles.

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