Chapter 3: Flipping the Script

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Cobra Kai dojo

Y/N was currently was stretching when he heard Demetri and Eli talking

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Y/N was currently was stretching when he heard Demetri and Eli talking

"Why did I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for It's like extra gym class for no reason". Demetri says to Eli

Let's just give it a chance You saw the fight Miguel and Y/M kicked ass" Eli responds

"Okay! Today we begin-" Johnny starts but everyone just kept talking

"QUIET". he yells getting everyone's attention

"Face front" Johnny says as everyone faced the front and Johnny walked around looking at the carousel students

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"Face front" Johnny says as everyone faced the front and Johnny walked around looking at the carousel students

"Nice shirt" John says to Demetri


"I'm joking It sucks" Johnny comments making Demetri frown and Johnny walked over to a fat kid who smiled

"Word of advice If you got shit for teeth, don't smile". The fat kid dropped his smile and Johnny looked at a smaller kid

"My God, makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you.....When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material I see losers I see nerds I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out". Johnny says making Y/N shake his head disapprovingly At his dad's comments

"But my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles So maybe there's some hope for you yet First I need to see where you're at So everybody, fall in!" He says but no one did anything

"That means line up" they to line up in one line

"No, not--not line up in a line....Lines, Get in lines". He as everyone was confused

"You mean, like, rows?" Demetri asked and Johnny facepalms


A couple of minutes later everyone finally got their rows

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