Jeongin smiles at the message for a moment. Hyunjin was one of his best friends since before he became a baby bread, he was just simple flour when they had met. He had gotten into Jeongins now highschool through a dance program, definitely not his academic skills that's for sure.

Though it was a relief they could stay together, aka get in trouble together.

Seungmin was another one of his best friends, though he was 100 percent like the other kids in our school. Very smart. Serious about his work and comes off as a cutie but quite a menace at times. Balancing out Hyunjins chaotic energy perfectly.

The perfect trio they were.

But what really made him smile was the fact that he wasn't the that was going to pay for once.

Favourite ferret 🫶🫶

what kind of question is that? <
- free food? Of course I'm coming😩😫 <

> Jeongin. Your a millionaire.🙄🙄
> Pull up at 8 🫠

Oh yeah

But it still gets boring paying everytime.

Jeongin rolls his eyes and put his phone back into his pocket. Continuing his waddle down the sidewalk toward his mansion.

Thankfully he got out of detention pretty quickly and it was just about 4 in the evening. That means he had plenty of time to go home and binge Netflix before going out with his friends.

The perfect evening for the young boy.

A light smile plays on his lips as he opens the front door to his home. Only for it to fall when he sees his parents in the foyer.

"Ah there you are Jeongin-ah" His mother stands infront of a mirror putting her earrings in.

Jeongin closes the door behind him with a confused expression. His parents were never home. And even if they were, they certainly weren't acknowledging the boy.

"M-mom? What's going on?" His voice echos through the high ceilings of his mansion. His mother looked... nervous maybe?

His father walks in and out of the enterance, organizing the small decor around the area. Meaninglessly making things neat.

Jeongin slips his shoes off as his mother begins talking once more, "We have a very important family coming over. Get yourself dressed. Your brother came home earlier so he's already getting ready." His mothers turns to look at him with a stern look, "I don't even want to know why you were late but I better not get a phone call from the school tonight."

Jeongin lets out a small chuckle and sends her a quick smile. Though behind it was a wall of fear. Silently praying the phone call wouldn't come, he pulls his bag up and starts walking up the stairs toward his room.

Shit now I have to tell Hyunjin I can't make it. The one damn time I got to eat free!!

There's no way he could skip a family dinner like this. There were no windows to jump out of this time. I mean there are windows but if he jumped out one he would be murdered by his parents for ruining their night and image.

You see, Jeongins parents were pretty important figures in Korea. They owned several buisnesses and lived a rich lifestyle. Though their job was definitely not easy. They spent months away from home at a time. Even if they came home for a while, they would consistently scold Jeongin or simply work at home and ignore their children.

Arranged - Jeongchanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें