The more time I spend with him, the more I want to take it further. God, I want to take it further. I would take this conversation right now and lead it somewhere neither of us could come back from. Would he reciprocate? Would he even understand?

It's hard being a horny bitch.

But, hey, at least I'm not a bitch in her feelings. Because my feelings towards Shouto are strictly just some good old fashioned sexual attraction. Since when could men only look at someone and think 'yeah, I'd tapped that.' Women do, too. Or, at least, I do. Judge me, sue me, I don't care.

The loud bang next to me forced my head out of its daydreams, quickly closing my phone at lightning speed as if I was doing something wrong by texting my client. Looking next to me, I composed myself immediately, seeing that familiar pink curled bitch getting herself situated.

"Hello, Lani. Have a nice rest of your evening after the party the other night?" Mai smiled forcefully, unzipping her bag of colored pens with enough passive aggression to beat All Might in an arm wrestling match.

Heh. Well, doesn't she look tightly wound today? Nice to see that I'm getting under her perfect skin just as much as she's getting under mine. Let's build on that, shall we?

"Sure did. I went to sleep with the image of Bakugo's ass squashing your head like a pancake playing in my mind. It definitely made for the sweetest dreams ever." I smirked deviously, leaning back in my chair and stretching my arms overhead.

Mai's smile cracked slightly and her eye twitched at the reminder I'd never let her live down, but she kept the artificial beam on her face, plopping down into the chair next to me with a heavy thud. "Well, according to Bakugo's instagram, it seems 997,000 other people probably went to sleep with him in their minds, too. It's valiant of you to keep trying when you've clearly already lost to our unshakable team."

Unshakable, my ass.

I remained slumped in my chair and crossed my arms, looking towards the empty desk of our boss as we waited for her.

"Please, I'm not worried. Shouto's a dime piece." I dismissed, causing Mai to mimic my position tauntingly.

"Well, it's clear you certainly think so." She said with fake sweetness, involuntarily causing my heart to jump.

Instantly, the smirk had been subtly wiped off my face a bit and I sat up a little straighter, "Oh yeah? And what is that supposed to mean?" I tried to keep my composure behind my half lidded eyes.

Mai's glossy lips twitched with a malicious look of her own, before she coated it in her artificial sweetness, "Oh, nothing! I know I don't need to remind you of the rules of the hero commission. Everyone knows the ethical contract violations of mixing business with pleasure. You'll be fired immediately when you're caught." She grinned widely, causing me to scoff.

"Can't be caught if I'm not doing anything wrong, you bobblehead bimbo." I sneered.

And I wasn't lying. Shouto and I haven't done anything that could get us in trouble...


Ugh. No, you horny bitch. You're supposed to think 'never,' because he's him and you're you. God, hooking up with Shouto probably wouldn't even be all that anyways. He looks at sex as if it were a homework assignment

But, hey, his ex-girlfriend is obsessed with him, and he told me they fucked. You're not gonna be obsessed with a guy who can't fuck you good. Right? So maybe that means he is good in bed. I wonder if he knows how to make a woman cum. I wonder how he'd sound when he's close...

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