Once we looked hotter than hot, We left to the party.

It's only about 8 but we can help Toni set up.

When we get there, people were already showing up.

I always hated an early bird to a party.

Sighing, I walked up to Toni and Jake.

Toni's eyes ran down my body.

"If I wasn't gay, I'd be all up in that" he said.

I chuckled.

Jake was too busy admiring Dev.

He's liked her since kindergarten, he just hasn't told her.

I pay his back reassuringly before helping Toni set up all of the kegs and the red cups.

Toni lit a fire so it would give off bone fire vibes.

I turned on some killer dance music on the speaker and then went to find Dev.

She was flirting with an early bird already half drunk.

"Hey smegsy mama" She tells me when I come up to her.

"Hey babes" I reply.

I opened up some beer and poured it in my cup.

The party was finally starting to hype up as more people came.

It was now 10 and over half the school was here.

Including him.

The new kid, Rome.

Who was unexplainably hot.

I grabbed Devs hand and pulled her over to where people were dancing.

After dancing for a bit, I was getting bored.

I clapped my hands and turned the music off.

"How about some epic Truth Or Dare?!" I yell so everyone can hear me.

I'm not super drunk yet and still in my right mind so this can't be too bad.

I turned on the music but turned it down some for the people who wanted to dance.

A small group of people formed into a circle to play.

"I'll go first, Skyra, Truth or Dare?" Some kid asks.

"Dare" I say easily.

"Kiss Dev" he says.

Well that's easy.

I walk up to her and see her smirk.

I kiss her passionately, turning into a full on make-out then walking away.

Everyone looked at me shocked.

Doesn't everyone kids their best friend?!

Sighing to myself, I sit down.

This cycle happens for about an hour and by the end of Truth or Dare.

I'm very high.

I was dared to do a lot of things.

I giggle to myself.

My eyes land on him.


What a cute name.

I walk up to him giving him an innocent smile.

He gulped.

"Wanna dance?" I ask him.

I am not in the right headspace.

He doesn't answer but I drag him to the dance floor anyway and make him dance on me.

I start to black out I think after a while.

I knew that my mind was no longer in control, but my body sure was.

~Time skip~

I slowly open my eyes only to find that I was in someone's bed naked.

I did not want this to happen last night.

I can't help but giggle.

I find a shirt to put on then try to find the lucky guy.

The house is pretty big considering.

So I was not in the trailer.

How comforting.

Note the sarcasm.

Sighing, I went down a staircase.

There was some moving if what sounded to be pots and pans.

I peaked into the room the sounds were coming from.

Only to find Rome making something shirtless.

Gulping, I walk up to him.

"Mind telling me why I'm here?" I ask.

"We were both drunk, honestly I don't know" he says honestly.

I sigh, but nod my head.

I can't help but have that tiny voice in my head asking if we did anything.

Below my waist is pretty sore, so probably.

I slept with someone and I have a feeling that person is probably him.

I makes sure I have my phone before turning to leave.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"Home" I say.

"Let me feed you first, ok?" He asks, well more like tells me.

I simply nod and sit down.

I'm served with a plate of bacon, pancakes, and orange juice.

I take the first bite hesitantly, scared of being poisoned.

To my surprise it tasted good, really good.

Rome sits next to me and eats too.

A little girl who couldn't be older than 4 ran down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Hey daddy" the little girl says to him.

He stops and stares at me.

I can physically see his gulp before getting up to help the little girl.

He's a dad?

He's only 17.

"Who is this daddy?" The girl asks him.

"My friend baby" he replies while getting her a plate of food too.

She nods.

I eat quickly and clean the plate.

I have to go home before my mom kills me.

I grab my stuff and say goodbye.

As soon as I leave, I take a deep breath.

What just happened?!

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